Browse Items (947 total)

Figurski, Emma; Loney, Jenna, Engaging Haliburton Highlands High School Students in Art

Figurski, Emma; Loney, Jenna, Engaging Haliburton Highlands High School Students in Art, Trent University, 2006

Collect information from high school students through interviews and focus groups to develop a plan for their participation in art programs at a local…

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Drag Lake Property Owner's Association, Environment Planning Report on the Drag Lake Area

Drag Lake Property Owner's Association, Environment Planning Report on the Drag Lake Area, 1995

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Frost Centre, Environmental Education Programs

Frost Centre, Environmental Education Programs

Marleau, Wynona , Environmental Events Curriculum

Marleau, Wynona , Environmental Events Curriculum, Trent University, 2006

A collection of curriculum based resources for elementary schools. Available in electronic form.

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Sweet, Colleen, Environmental Impact Assessment of Snowmobiling on Haliburton Forest

Sweet, Colleen, Environmental Impact Assessment of Snowmobiling on Haliburton Forest, U-Links, 2000

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Quesnelle, Pauline, Environmental Impacts of Snowmobiling

Quesnelle, Pauline, Environmental Impacts of Snowmobiling, U-Links, 2000

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Meghan Robinson, Environmental Monitoring Field Protocol Options

TP 3840 - Environmental Monitoring Field Protocol Options.pdf

Meghan Robinson, Environmental Monitoring Field Protocol Options, Trent University, 2019

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Training Board, Environmental Scan 1997-1998

Training Board, Environmental Scan 1997-1998, 1998

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Gibson, Anna, Environmental Youth Corps 1994: Haliburton Highlands Bioregional Atlas Report

Gibson, Anna, Environmental Youth Corps 1994: Haliburton Highlands Bioregional Atlas Report, Trent University, 1994

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Giltenan, Tom, Establishing and Maintaining a Successful Municipal Heritage Committee in Minden Hillls

Giltenan, Tom, Establishing and Maintaining a Successful Municipal Heritage Committee in Minden Hillls, Trent University, 2008

This project is focused on the potential for creating a mechanism for reviewing and advocating for heritage buildings in rural communities. It aims to…

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Aliyah Uyenaka, Angus McBride, Seth Lymburner, Establishing Baseline Data through Benthic Biomonitoring at Koshlong Lake

Aliyah Uyenaka, Angus McBride, Seth Lymburner, Establishing Baseline Data through Benthic Biomonitoring at Koshlong Lake, Trent University, 2024

Baseline report on Lake Health for Koshlong Lake Association using benthic macroinvertebrate data.

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Burney, Leanne, Ethel Curry's Paintings: A Reflection of Place

Burney, Leanne, Ethel Curry's Paintings: A Reflection of Place, Trent University, 1993

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Kudzayi Mushumbi & Wacera W. Muriuki, Evaluation Assessment for Abbey Retreat Centre Programs

Kudzayi Mushumbi & Wacera W. Muriuki 2023, Evaluation Assessment for Abbey Retreat Centre Programs
, Trent University

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Rhianne Crowther, Evaluation of the Health of Halls Lake,
Ontario: A Baseline Study Utilizing
Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Rhianne Crowther, Evaluation of the Health of Halls Lake,
Ontario: A Baseline Study Utilizing
Benthic Macroinvertebrates
, December 2021

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DLA Consulting, Evaluation of the Services, Training and Supports provided by the Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria County Child Care Forums and the United Way of Peterborough and District

DLA Consulting, Evaluation of the Services, Training and Supports provided by the Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria County Child Care Forums and the United Way of Peterborough and District, 1995

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Stacy Kirkbride, Examining ATVing Trends and Economic Benefit

Stacy Kirkbride, Examining ATVing Trends and Economic Benefit, 2010

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DLA Consulting, Executive Summary of Evaluation of the Services, Training and Supports provided by the Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria County Child Care Forums and the United Way of Peterborough and District

DLA Consulting, Executive Summary of Evaluation of the Services, Training and Supports provided by the Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria County Child Care Forums and the United Way of Peterborough and District, 1995

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Alexander, Meredith; Yeo, Lai Jeet, Expansion of the Survey of Health Care Needs in the HHHS Service Area Report

Alexander, Meredith; Yeo, Lai Jeet, Expansion of the Survey of Health Care Needs in the HHHS Service Area Report, Trent University, 2005

Report of a survey conducted for Haliburton Highlands Health Services regarding health issues and needs in the area. Continuing evaluation of HHHS and…

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Wilson, Susan, Explore Haliburton

Wilson, Susan, Explore Haliburton, U-Links, 1997

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Wilkes, Jessica, Exploring Gooderham's Settlement History for Preservation and Education

Wilkes, Jessica, Exploring Gooderham's Settlement History for Preservation and Education, Trent University, 2002

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Harding, Kim; Martin, Fay, Exploring Human Resources in Haliburton County

Harding, Kim; Martin, Fay, Exploring Human Resources in Haliburton County, Martin, Fay, 1989

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Kuchera, Adene, Exploring the Purchases of A Farming Family 1881-1932

Kuchera, Adene, Exploring the Purchases of A Farming Family 1881-1932, Trent University, 1998

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Brezina, Jack, Exploring the Rail Line

Brezina, Jack, Exploring the Rail Line, U, 1994

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Wright, Adam, Exploring the Risks of Uranium: The Associated Health and Socio-Economic Risks of Uranium Development

Wright, Adam, Exploring the Risks of Uranium: The Associated Health and Socio-Economic Risks of Uranium Development, Trent University, 2009

Provides an overview of the effects associated with the multiple stages of uranium development, specifically the social impacts and health effects on…

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F.I.S.H., F.I.S.H. a watershed approach to planning - video

F.I.S.H., F.I.S.H. a watershed approach to planning - video, Anthon, Jeanne

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Jessica Marshall, Factors that Affect Dental Caries in the Patient Population of Volunteer Dental Outreach
for Haliburton County

CBRP Final Report JMarshall Updated.pdf

Jessica Marshall, Factors that Affect Dental Caries in the Patient Population of Volunteer Dental Outreach
for Haliburton County
, Trent University, 2021

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T., Haxton, Fall tagging of Salvelinus namaycush on Gull Lake (Lutterworth Township) during the fall of 1993 and 1994

T., Haxton, Fall tagging of Salvelinus namaycush on Gull Lake (Lutterworth Township) during the fall of 1993 and 1994, 1995

Thomas Stinson, Family Scrapbook

Thomas Stinson, Family Scrapbook, Max, Ruth

Paul Nopper and Chirs Balenovich, Feasibility Management Study of Off Road Vehicle Trails in Highlands East, Haliburton County

Paul Nopper and Chirs Balenovich, Feasibility Management Study of Off Road Vehicle Trails in Highlands East, Haliburton County, 2011

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