Browse Items (947 total)

Reddick, Dave, An Atlas of Community and Park Areas for the Township of Minden Hills

Reddick, Dave, An Atlas of Community and Park Areas for the Township of Minden Hills, Trent University, 2008

The Atlas groups the park properties of Minden Hills Township. It provides maps of the parks, their locations, facilities, and attractions. Ultimately…

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Raphael, D., Addressing the Social Determinants of Health in Canada: bridging the gap between research findings and public policy.

Raphael, D., Addressing the Social Determinants of Health in Canada: bridging the gap between research findings and public policy., 2003

Randolf Group, County of Haliburton Comprehensive Marketing Plan

Randolf Group, County of Haliburton Comprehensive Marketing Plan, March, 1999

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Rails End Gallery, Draft Positioning Statements for the Rails End Gallery, July, 2004

Rails End Gallery, Draft Positioning Statements for the Rails End Gallery, July, 2004, 2004

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Rae Roebuck and Judy Coultes-MacLeod, Connections: A Guide to Transition Planning for Parents of Children with a Developmental Disability

Rae Roebuck and Judy Coultes-MacLeod, Connections: A Guide to Transition Planning for Parents of Children with a Developmental Disability, 2010

Rachel Harris, Planning for Housing in Haliburton County

Rachel Harris, Planning for Housing in Haliburton County, 2012

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Rachel French, Meagan Sorley and Katarina Zlatanovic, Haliburton Highlands Field Naturalists Education Programming

Rachel French, Meagan Sorley and Katarina Zlatanovic, Haliburton Highlands Field Naturalists Education Programming, 2017

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R.J. Burnside & Associates, Draft Phase II Report- Environmental Assessment Water and Sanitary Servicing; Ontario Camp Leadership Centre, Bark Lake, Irondale, Ontario

R.J. Burnside & Associates, Draft Phase II Report- Environmental Assessment Water and Sanitary Servicing; Ontario Camp Leadership Centre, Bark Lake, Irondale, Ontario, Coburn, Carolynn, 1992

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R.G. Ruggles and M.J.T., Bennett, Gull Lake Survey Summary Sheet

R.G. Ruggles and M.J.T., Bennett, Gull Lake Survey Summary Sheet, 1969

R.A.Yates, Municipal Toolkit for a Child and Youth Friendly Community.

R.A.Yates, Municipal Toolkit for a Child and Youth Friendly Community., 2008

R., Girard and D., Hunter, Gull Lake Aquatic Habitat Inventory

R., Girard and D., Hunter, Gull Lake Aquatic Habitat Inventory, 1975

Quesnelle, Pauline, Environmental Impacts of Snowmobiling

Quesnelle, Pauline, Environmental Impacts of Snowmobiling, U-Links, 2000

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Proulx, Michele, The Uranium Mining Industry of the Bancroft Area: An Environmental History and Heritage Assessment

Proulx, Michele, The Uranium Mining Industry of the Bancroft Area: An Environmental History and Heritage Assessment, Trent University, 1997

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Proulx, Michele, The Uranium Industry in Haliburton County

Proulx, Michele, The Uranium Industry in Haliburton County, U-Links, 1995

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Proulx, Michele, Culture and heritage sector analysis

Proulx, Michele, Culture and heritage sector analysis, Trent University, 1996

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Property Tax Working Group, Working Group Report: Property Tax

Property Tax Working Group, Working Group Report: Property Tax, 1992

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Proctor, Cameron, Model waste diversion program creation kit for rural municipalities

Proctor, Cameron, Model waste diversion program creation kit for rural municipalities, U-Links, 2003

This paper takes a look at the elements of rural recycling programs with a view to providing positive alternatives to wasteful practices.

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Prince Edward County Government Report, Prince Edward County Final Report

Prince Edward County Government Report, Prince Edward County Final Report, Coburn, Carolynn, 1992

Prince Edward County Government Committee, Prince Edward County Interim Report Part II

Prince Edward County Government Committee, Prince Edward County Interim Report Part II, Coburn, Carolynn, 1991

Prince Edward County Government Committee, Prince Edward County Government Committee-Interim Report

Prince Edward County Government Committee, Prince Edward County Government Committee-Interim Report, Coburn, Carolynn, 1991

Potts, Gary, Reading the Land

Potts, Gary, Reading the Land, Trent University, 1998

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Popple, Robert, Northern Belle: The Life Story of Ethel Curry, Including her Connections to the Group of Seven

Popple, Robert, Northern Belle: The Life Story of Ethel Curry, Including her Connections to the Group of Seven, 2003

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Polnick, Heather, Accessibility Standards: Raising Awareness about the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

Polnick, Heather, Accessibility Standards: Raising Awareness about the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Trent University, 2010

Accessibility background research and informal interviews with key-informants from Haliburton County's Business Community.

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Pollution Probe, University of Toronto, Keep It Clean: A Manual for the preservation of the Cottage Environment

Pollution Probe, University of Toronto, Keep It Clean: A Manual for the preservation of the Cottage Environment

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Planning and Development Committee, Initial Analysis of Transportation Issue Haliburton County

Planning and Development Committee, Initial Analysis of Transportation Issue Haliburton County, Anthon, Jeanne, 1993

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Phipps, Karen, Community and Identity

Phipps, Karen, Community and Identity, Trent University, 1998

The paper explores the notion of community, specifically Haliburton, from the perspective of land, individual identity and collective identity.   It…

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Philip Rudz and John Caspersen, The Secret Afterlife of Trees: Downed Wood in Haliburton Forest

Philip Rudz and John Caspersen, The Secret Afterlife of Trees: Downed Wood in Haliburton Forest, 2012

Peterborough Two Tier Property Tax Committee, Report of The Peterborough Two Tier Property Tax Committee

Peterborough Two Tier Property Tax Committee, Report of The Peterborough Two Tier Property Tax Committee, 1991

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Peter Naylor, Car Share Tool Kit

Peter Naylor, Car Share Tool Kit, 2012

A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up a Car Share Initiative in Haliburton County

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Perma-Frost Committee, Perma-Frost papers

Perma-Frost Committee, Perma-Frost papers, Perma-Frost, 2004

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