Browse Items (947 total)

Hamilton, Andrew, Modernity, Metaphor, and Maples: the Landscape Created by the Wood Chemical Plant in Donald

Hamilton, Andrew, Modernity, Metaphor, and Maples: the Landscape Created by the Wood Chemical Plant in Donald, Trent University, 1992

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Proctor, Cameron, Model waste diversion program creation kit for rural municipalities

Proctor, Cameron, Model waste diversion program creation kit for rural municipalities, U-Links, 2003

This paper takes a look at the elements of rural recycling programs with a view to providing positive alternatives to wasteful practices.

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Carlie O’Brien, Miskwabi Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Baseline Health Assessment

MACA Report March 2021.pdf

Carlie O’Brien, Miskwabi Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Baseline Health Assessment, Trent University, 2021

The first year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Long, Negaunee, Wenona, and Miskwabi Lakes.

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Hathaway, Aron, Minor League Hockey in the Community of Haliburton

Hathaway, Aron, Minor League Hockey in the Community of Haliburton, Trent University, 1997

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Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Municipal Affairs Field Management Branch Municipal Analysis and Retrieval System: Detail Financial Information

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Municipal Affairs Field Management Branch Municipal Analysis and Retrieval System: Detail Financial Information, Anthon, Jeanne, 1996

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Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Mineral Deposits-Studies in the Huntsville, Parrysound, Powassan Area-

Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Mineral Deposits-Studies in the Huntsville, Parrysound, Powassan Area-, Coburn, Carolynn, 1987

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L'Italien, Andre, Minden's Main Street 1860-1920

L'Italien, Andre, Minden's Main Street 1860-1920, U-Links, 2002

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The Friends of Minden Hills, Minden's Heritage Tour Guide

The Friends of Minden Hills, Minden's Heritage Tour Guide, ulinks, 2001

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Lockhart, Daniel, Minden's Gentle Cavalier: The Life of Andre Lapine

Lockhart, Daniel, Minden's Gentle Cavalier: The Life of Andre Lapine, Trent University, 2000

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Minden Times

Minden Times, 1983 to present

Friends of Minden Hills, Minden Riverwalk: the concept

Friends of Minden Hills, Minden Riverwalk: the concept, Anthon, Jeanne

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Basterfield and Associates landscape architects, Minden Riverwalk Master Plan

Basterfield and Associates landscape architects, Minden Riverwalk Master Plan, 2005

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Nicholls, Emony, Minden Hills Riverwalk Park: Planting Plan

Nicholls, Emony, Minden Hills Riverwalk Park: Planting Plan, Trent University, 2008

This report contains information to help decision makers as the shoreline of the Gull River in Minden is developed. The focus is to reduce water use,…

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LORD Planning & Management, Minden Hills Cultural Centre: Capacity Building and Sustainability Plan

LORD Planning & Management, Minden Hills Cultural Centre: Capacity Building and Sustainability Plan, 2004

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Ministry of Natural Resources, Minden District Land Use Guidelines

Ministry of Natural Resources, Minden District Land Use Guidelines, Coburn, Carolynn, 1983

MNR, Minden District Fisheries Management Plan 1986-2000

MNR, Minden District Fisheries Management Plan 1986-2000, 1988

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Ontario Association of Architects, Minden Cause: Community Assist for an Urban Study Effort

Ontario Association of Architects, Minden Cause: Community Assist for an Urban Study Effort, Coburn, Carolynn, 1982

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The Committee, Minden 2000 Community & Economic Development Committee

The Committee, Minden 2000 Community & Economic Development Committee, Anthon, Jeanne

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Godkin, Karen; Kilgour, Megan; Mankowski, Jessica; Peters, Natalie; Zwir, Kathryn, Micro-Hydro Generation - Policy and Legal Issues

Godkin, Karen; Kilgour, Megan; Mankowski, Jessica; Peters, Natalie; Zwir, Kathryn, Micro-Hydro Generation - Policy and Legal Issues, Trent University, 2004

An environmental impact assessment of the proposal to use an existing dam in the village of Haliburton to develop a micro-hyrdro project.

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Veronica Turnbull, Methods for the Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Drag and Spruce Lakes

EWM Research Report - Final Copy.pdf

Veronica Turnbull, Methods for the Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Drag and Spruce Lakes, Trent University, 2021

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Nguyen, Nhien, Methods for Studying the Economic Impact of Trails in Haliburton

Nguyen, Nhien, Methods for Studying the Economic Impact of Trails in Haliburton, Trent University, 2007

The purpose of this project was to research methods of tracking the economic impact of trails and provide recommendations.

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Leavy, Patricia, Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice

Leavy, Patricia, Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice, 2009

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Mierle, Addison, MacDonald, and Joachim, Mercury Levels in Tissues of Otters from Ontario, Canada: Variation with Age, Sex, and Location

Mierle, Addison, MacDonald, and Joachim, Mercury Levels in Tissues of Otters from Ontario, Canada: Variation with Age, Sex, and Location, U-Links, 2000

Kennisis Lake Planning Steering Committee, May 2007 Summary of Kennisis Watershed and Lakes Management Plan - Draft for Comments

Kennisis Lake Planning Steering Committee, May 2007 Summary of Kennisis Watershed and Lakes Management Plan - Draft for Comments, 2007

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Sir Sandford Fleming College, Match - A Pilot Program for Unemployed Youth

Sir Sandford Fleming College, Match - A Pilot Program for Unemployed Youth, Martin, Fay, 1981

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Ostler, Maggie, Mary Northway and Camping

Ostler, Maggie, Mary Northway and Camping, Trent University, 1999

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Martin Lumber Company

Martin Lumber Company

Crawley, Crystal; Ford, Sabrina; Boyle, Michelle, Marketing Research - Pioneer Community Exhibit: Minden Hills Museum

Crawley, Crystal; Ford, Sabrina; Boyle, Michelle, Marketing Research - Pioneer Community Exhibit: Minden Hills Museum, U-Links, 2003

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Garrah, Kate, Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents

Garrah, Kate, Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents, Trent University, 2007

This project aims to understand what motivates people to act on their values.This will provide direction for the implementation of the lake plan in…

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Paterson, A., Cumming, B., Smol, J., and Hall, R., Marked recent increases of colonial scaled chrysophytes in boreal lakes: implications for the management of taste and odour events

Paterson, A., Cumming, B., Smol, J., and Hall, R., Marked recent increases of colonial scaled chrysophytes in boreal lakes: implications for the management of taste and odour events, 2004

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