Browse Items (947 total)

Jaime Noble and Ryan Cant, Green Pool Haliburton County

Jaime Noble and Ryan Cant, Green Pool Haliburton County, 2011

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James Rankin and Ryan Austin, Anthropogenic Land Uses and their Impacts on Oligotrophic and Mesotrophic Lakes Relating to the Water Quality of Upper Stoney Lake: A Literature Review

James Rankin and Ryan Austin, Anthropogenic Land Uses and their Impacts on Oligotrophic and Mesotrophic Lakes Relating to the Water Quality of Upper Stoney Lake: A Literature Review, April 2022

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Jamie Gallupe & Alissa Sallans, An Investigation into Plastic Consumption and Alternatives for the Haliburton County Farmers’ Market

HCFMA Final Report.pdf

Jamie Gallupe & Alissa Sallans, An Investigation into Plastic Consumption and Alternatives for the Haliburton County Farmers’ Market, 2020

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Jason Shabaga MSc., Biomass harvesting and the spatial distribution of soil nutrent and carbon pools in Great Lakes St. Lawrence forests

Jason Shabaga MSc., Biomass harvesting and the spatial distribution of soil nutrent and carbon pools in Great Lakes St. Lawrence forests, 2012

Jason Smyrlis, The Birds of The Haliburton Highlands: Species Present and How to Monitor Them

#4955 Long-Term Bird Monitoring HHLT - For Review_Edits (1).pdf

Jason Smyrlis, The Birds of The Haliburton Highlands: Species Present and How to Monitor Them, Trent University, 2020

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Jazlyn Burrell & Sarah Wray, QEII MOOSE SPECIES SUMMARY:
Examining the Natural and Cultural Significance of the Eastern Moose (Alces alces americana) in Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park

Jazlyn Burrell & Sarah Wray, QEII MOOSE SPECIES SUMMARY:
Examining the Natural and Cultural Significance of the Eastern Moose (Alces alces americana) in Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park
, 2020

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Jeffery, Victoria, The Bobcaygeon Colonization Road: 1859-Present

Jeffery, Victoria, The Bobcaygeon Colonization Road: 1859-Present, Trent University, 1992

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Jenna Kentel, Permanent Sample Plots for Vegetative Monitoring in Dahl Forest -Final Report 2017-2018

Jenna Kentel, Permanent Sample Plots for Vegetative Monitoring in Dahl Forest -Final Report 2017-2018, 2018

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Jenna Layng, Social and Ecological Carrying Capacity of Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park

Jenna Layng, Social and Ecological Carrying Capacity of Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park, 2019

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Jennifer Fedak & Daniel Vandeloo, Kabakwa Lake’s 2023 Benthic Assessment Macroinvertebrate Water Quality

Jennifer Fedak & Daniel Vandeloo, Kabakwa Lake’s 2023 Benthic Assessment Macroinvertebrate Water Quality, Trent University, December 1st, 2023

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Jennifer Fedak & Daniel Vandeloo, Kabakwa Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment

Jennifer Fedak & Daniel Vandeloo, Kabakwa Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment, Trent University, December 2023

Jessica Marshall, Factors that Affect Dental Caries in the Patient Population of Volunteer Dental Outreach
for Haliburton County

CBRP Final Report JMarshall Updated.pdf

Jessica Marshall, Factors that Affect Dental Caries in the Patient Population of Volunteer Dental Outreach
for Haliburton County
, Trent University, 2021

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Jill N. Jones, Community/Accountability Framework Project - Summary of Activities

Jill N. Jones, Community/Accountability Framework Project - Summary of Activities, 1995

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John Howard Society, John Howard Society of Victoria/Haliburton/Simcoe & Muskoka: Annual Report 1998/99

John Howard Society, John Howard Society of Victoria/Haliburton/Simcoe & Muskoka: Annual Report 1998/99, Short, Karen Rae, 1999

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John L. Riley, Pat Mohr, The Natural Heritage of Southern Ontario's Settled Landscapes: A Review of Conservation and Restoration Ecology for Land-Use and Urban Planning

John L. Riley, Pat Mohr, The Natural Heritage of Southern Ontario's Settled Landscapes: A Review of Conservation and Restoration Ecology for Land-Use and Urban Planning, 1994

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Johnston, Jeremy, Predicting the effects of snowmobile produced poly aromatic hydrocarbons on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

Johnston, Jeremy, Predicting the effects of snowmobile produced poly aromatic hydrocarbons on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, Trent University, 2003

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Jon Schurman, Detecting ecological patterns with machine learning

Jon Schurman, Detecting ecological patterns with machine learning, 2012

Jonathan Miller, Steven Adelson, Hope VanDersluis, and Claire Arsenault, Kennisis Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Inventory

Jonathan Miller, Steven Adelson, Hope VanDersluis, and Claire Arsenault, Kennisis Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Inventory, Trent University, April 2023

Jordan McDonald, Haliburton Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment

Haliburton Lake Report 2020 (Jordan McDonald).pdf

Jordan McDonald, Haliburton Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment, Trent University, 2021

The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Haliburton Lake.

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Joseph Gentile, Golf Course Impacts to Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems of the Oligotrophic and Mesotrophic Waters of Upper Stoney Lake

Joseph Gentile, Golf Course Impacts to Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems of the Oligotrophic and Mesotrophic Waters of Upper Stoney Lake, April 2022

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Julian, Maggie, Bioregional Education in Action: Lessons of the Donald Chemical Plant

Julian, Maggie, Bioregional Education in Action: Lessons of the Donald Chemical Plant, Trent University, 1997

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Julie McCuaig, FoodNet and Food Security in Haliburton County

Julie McCuaig, FoodNet and Food Security in Haliburton County, 2012

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Julie Prentice, Carrie McDonald, Avery Scott, Bob Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022

Julie Prentice, Carrie McDonald, Avery Scott 2023, Bob Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022, Trent University

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Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties

Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties, Robertson, Gena, 2000

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Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties

Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties, Robertson, Gena, 2000

Kaitlin Webber & Krishna Patel, Educational Garden Program for Preschoolers

Kaitlin Webber & Krishna Patel, Educational Garden Program for Preschoolers, 2016

Develop and design a 6-week educational gardening program for children ages 3-5 and their parents.

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Kaitlyn Adam, Erika Dmytrenko, Rachel Gillham, Shayla Steinhoff, Meghan Thorp, Abbey Gardens Educational Interpretive Trail


Kaitlyn Adam, Erika Dmytrenko, Rachel Gillham, Shayla Steinhoff, Meghan Thorp, Abbey Gardens Educational Interpretive Trail, 2020

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Kasia Janik, Active Transportation Initatives in Haliburton and Minden Ontario

Kasia Janik, Active Transportation Initatives in Haliburton and Minden Ontario, 2012

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Kasia Janik, Charlie Phillips, Greg Stones, Jessica Swan, Windy Pine Woodlot Research and Management

Kasia Janik, Charlie Phillips, Greg Stones, Jessica Swan, Windy Pine Woodlot Research and Management, 2011

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