Browse Items (947 total)

Kate Brown and Vandeven Saberton, Loon Habitat and Mortality Study

Kate Brown and Vandeven Saberton, Loon Habitat and Mortality Study, Trent University, April 2023

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Katelyn Allen, Justin Souch, Rebecca Attwood, Camping in Minden Hills - Is it Feasible?

Katelyn Allen, Justin Souch, Rebecca Attwood, Camping in Minden Hills - Is it Feasible?, Trent University, 2011

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KATERYNA KOSTYUKOVA, The roles of forest habitat structure and floristic composition in structuring small mammal communities

KATERYNA KOSTYUKOVA, The roles of forest habitat structure and floristic composition in structuring small mammal communities, 2012

Katie Thebeau, Tree‐Marking for Timber and Habitat:

Katie Thebeau, Tree‐Marking for Timber and Habitat:, 2012

Kavanagh, Richard, Walleye and the Spawning Habitat Enhancements Proposed on the Drag River

Kavanagh, Richard, Walleye and the Spawning Habitat Enhancements Proposed on the Drag River, Trent University, 2000

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Kelly, Chris, Best Practices for Managing Trails Using Volunteers

Best Practice for Managing Trails Using Volunteers.pdf

Kelly, Chris, Best Practices for Managing Trails Using Volunteers, Trent University, 2006

The research will be used to develop a model for best practices for trail development and management that will assist the organization in developing…

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Kelton Adderley-Heron, Michael Duquette, Mikayla Young, HHLT Species at Risk

Kemp, Alison; Ludwig, Jessyka; Reid, Carolyn, The Kennisis Lakes Fishery: Past, Present and Future

Kemp, Alison; Ludwig, Jessyka; Reid, Carolyn, The Kennisis Lakes Fishery: Past, Present and Future, Trent University, 2010

An evaluation of the historical condition, present state and future recommendations for the Kennisis Lakes Fishery.

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Kennedy, Moira; Simpson, Melissa; Weeks, Marielle, Waste Management Community Energy Plan (CEP) Prepared for the County of Haliburton

Kennedy, Moira; Simpson, Melissa; Weeks, Marielle, Waste Management Community Energy Plan (CEP) Prepared for the County of Haliburton, Trent University, 2007

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Kenneth Caplan and Associates Ltd., County of Haliburton: Proposal for Image and Brand Development

Kenneth Caplan and Associates Ltd., County of Haliburton: Proposal for Image and Brand Development, Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

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Kenneth G. Towle, John R. Livingston, An Inventory and Evaluation of Wetlands in Cardiff Township, Haliburton

Kenneth G. Towle, John R. Livingston, An Inventory and Evaluation of Wetlands in Cardiff Township, Haliburton, Haliburton County, 1990

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Kennisis Lake Planning Steering Committee, May 2007 Summary of Kennisis Watershed and Lakes Management Plan - Draft for Comments

Kennisis Lake Planning Steering Committee, May 2007 Summary of Kennisis Watershed and Lakes Management Plan - Draft for Comments, 2007

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Kenworthy-U'ren, Amy, Management Students as Consultants: An Alternative Perspective on the Service-Learning

Kenworthy-U'ren, Amy, Management Students as Consultants: An Alternative Perspective on the Service-Learning, U-Links, 1999

Kerrie Shende
Joshua Wyard, Benthic Analysis on Kashagawigamog Lake

Lake Kashagawigamog Benthic Report Final Draft.pdf

Kerrie Shende
Joshua Wyard, Benthic Analysis on Kashagawigamog Lake, Trent University, 2020

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Kier & Muller Associates Inc., County of Haliburton Economic Development Study Issues Report

Kier & Muller Associates Inc., County of Haliburton Economic Development Study Issues Report, Coburn, Carolynn, August, 1989

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Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project

Hawk Lakes Benthic Report.pdf

Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project, Trent University, 2021

The first year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Big and Little Hawk Lakes.

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Kiley, Robert, Aging Well in Haliburton County: The Personal Experience

Aging-Well in Haliburton County - The Personal Experience.pdf

Kiley, Robert, Aging Well in Haliburton County: The Personal Experience, Trent University, 2010

A qualitative research project commissioned by the Haliburton Aging-Well Committee.

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Killen, Jim, What is a Tree Really Worth?

Killen, Jim, What is a Tree Really Worth?, Trent University, 2000

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King, Andrea, Building Partnerships Between Schools and Communities: a Look at Haliburton County

King, Andrea, Building Partnerships Between Schools and Communities: a Look at Haliburton County, Trent University, 1999

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Kirkpatrick, Michael; McLaren, Thomas, The Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation Activities in Haliburton County

Kirkpatrick, Michael; McLaren, Thomas, The Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation Activities in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2009

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Kolten Hooper, Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring: Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Invasive Plants

Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring - Haliburton Highlands Land Trust - Invasive Plants - Final Report (1).pdf

Kolten Hooper, Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring: Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Invasive Plants, Trent University, 2020

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Koster, Susan, The End of the Line: Railways in Haliburton

Koster, Susan, The End of the Line: Railways in Haliburton, Trent University, 1993

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Krekoski, Erin, What makes a housing project work? Housing in Haliburton County

Krekoski, Erin, What makes a housing project work? Housing in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2007

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Krishita Arora, Alexander Atkins, Hayden Hammock, Arden Hewitt, Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment of Kabakwa Lake, 2022

Krishita Arora, Alexander Atkins, Hayden Hammock, Arden Hewitt, Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment of Kabakwa Lake, 2022, 2022

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Kristy MacMillan, Best Practices for Aggregates Extraction in Haliburton County

Kristy MacMillan, Best Practices for Aggregates Extraction in Haliburton County, 2007

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KRS Marketing Inc., Keeping Young Adults In Victoria County

KRS Marketing Inc., Keeping Young Adults In Victoria County, Short, Karen Rae, 1997

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Kruzynski, Anna, Living With Contradictory Emotions in Alliance Building

Kruzynski, Anna, Living With Contradictory Emotions in Alliance Building, 2002

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Krystle Botermans and Dominique Lapierre, Employment Opportunities for Transition-Aged Youth (TAY)

Krystle Botermans and Dominique Lapierre, Employment Opportunities for Transition-Aged Youth (TAY), 2013

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Kuchera, Adene, Exploring the Purchases of A Farming Family 1881-1932

Kuchera, Adene, Exploring the Purchases of A Farming Family 1881-1932, Trent University, 1998

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Kudzayi Mushumbi & Wacera W. Muriuki, Evaluation Assessment for Abbey Retreat Centre Programs

Kudzayi Mushumbi & Wacera W. Muriuki 2023, Evaluation Assessment for Abbey Retreat Centre Programs
, Trent University

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