Browse Items (947 total)

Melissa Johnston, Cultivating Change: Optimizing Farmers’ Markets in Ontario

Melissa Johnston, Cultivating Change: Optimizing Farmers’ Markets in Ontario, 2017

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Meghan Robinson, Environmental Monitoring Field Protocol Options

TP 3840 - Environmental Monitoring Field Protocol Options.pdf

Meghan Robinson, Environmental Monitoring Field Protocol Options, Trent University, 2019

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Megan Perigoe Stitt, The Forest & the Trees: Historical Roots of the Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve

Megan Perigoe Stitt, The Forest & the Trees: Historical Roots of the Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve

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McLaughlan, Amanda; Robus, Jennifer, The Built Environment and Active Transportation in the Village of Minden, Ontario

McLaughlan, Amanda; Robus, Jennifer, The Built Environment and Active Transportation in the Village of Minden, Ontario, Trent University, 2007

This study looks at the relationship between the built environment and active transportation in the local rural community of Minden. The project…

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McLaren, Allison, Community Care in a Rural Context

McLaren, Allison, Community Care in a Rural Context, Trent University, 2007

This report compares service delivery in by Community Care Haliburton County (CCHC) to other regional organizations. The report covers the long-term…

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McKnight, Gary, Towards a Corporate Strategy Plan: Corporation of the County of Haliburton

McKnight, Gary, Towards a Corporate Strategy Plan: Corporation of the County of Haliburton, Anthon, Jeanne, 1993

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McCreary, Jennifer, Residential Camps and Food Services in Haliburton County

McCreary, Jennifer, Residential Camps and Food Services in Haliburton County, Trent University, 1999

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McCormick, Shirley, Bringing out the environmentalist in us

McCormick, Shirley, Bringing out the environmentalist in us, U-Links, 2003

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Mazzocca, Stephanie, Problem Solving: Issue of ATV Use in the Haliburton Region

Mazzocca, Stephanie, Problem Solving: Issue of ATV Use in the Haliburton Region, 2004

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Matthew Smith
Sevda Lag
Ian Warburton
Devin Claypole
Carlie O'Brien, HHLT Salamander Monitoring Project: Literature Review and Recommendations

HHLT Salamander Literature Review Final (2).pdf

Matthew Smith
Sevda Lag
Ian Warburton
Devin Claypole
Carlie O'Brien, HHLT Salamander Monitoring Project: Literature Review and Recommendations, Trent University, 2020

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Matteo Nicola Menegazzo, A biodiversity survey of carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) in terrestrial habitats

Matteo Nicola Menegazzo April, 2023, A biodiversity survey of carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae) in terrestrial habitats, Trent University

Mathew Bowles, Impacts and remediation strategies for all-terrain vehicle use in the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park

Final paper Mathew Bowles .pdf

Mathew Bowles, Impacts and remediation strategies for all-terrain vehicle use in the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park, 2020

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Matheson, Derek; Romaniuk, Matthew, A septic system guide for cottagers - A Kennesis Lake community project

A Septic System Guide for Cottagers - A Kennisis Lake Community Project.pdf

Matheson, Derek; Romaniuk, Matthew, A septic system guide for cottagers - A Kennesis Lake community project, Trent University, 2007

This project reviewed alternatives to septic systems that are applicable in Haliburton County. The project was done in the form of a website.

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Masters-Leniveau, Anouk, Tranquility Trail Boardwalk

Masters-Leniveau, Anouk, Tranquility Trail Boardwalk, Trent University, 2003

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Maslin, Susan / Howard, Bruce / Stover, Jeff / Wendt, Kim, Eco-Campus Site Development Proposal- Glebe Park

Maslin, Susan / Howard, Bruce / Stover, Jeff / Wendt, Kim, Eco-Campus Site Development Proposal- Glebe Park, 1995

Maskell, Sandy, Informational Brochure for Constructed Wetlands

Maskell, Sandy, Informational Brochure for Constructed Wetlands, Trent University, 2006

The creation of an information brochure about contructed wetland wastewater treatment technology for the general public and schools. Brochure to…

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Martyn, Steven, Regional Plant Use in Haliburton

Martyn, Steven, Regional Plant Use in Haliburton, Trent University, 1995

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Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Haliburton County Trails and Tours Network Strategy

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Haliburton County Trails and Tours Network Strategy, 1995

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Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd et al, Haliburton County Trails & Tours Network Strategy Final Report

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd et al, Haliburton County Trails & Tours Network Strategy Final Report, Anthon, Jeanne, 1995

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Marleau, Wynona , Environmental Events Curriculum

Marleau, Wynona , Environmental Events Curriculum, Trent University, 2006

A collection of curriculum based resources for elementary schools. Available in electronic form.

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Markwick, Kerry, The History of Water Conrol in Haliburton County: A Contemporary Analysis of Human Impact on the Natural Environment

Markwick, Kerry, The History of Water Conrol in Haliburton County: A Contemporary Analysis of Human Impact on the Natural Environment, Trent University, 1993

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Mark B. Stagg, County Planner and EDO, Without Prejudice

Mark B. Stagg, County Planner and EDO, Without Prejudice, Coburn, Carolynn, 1994

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Marcus Rice, Ajay Venkat, Lucas Young, Jack Moreau, Mac Marzolini, Beth Bekele, Biological Productivity and Sustainability of Apex Predator Fish Species in Horseshoe Lake: Final Report

Marcus Rice, Ajay Venkat, Lucas Young, Jack Moreau, Mac Marzolini, Beth Bekele, Biological Productivity and Sustainability of Apex Predator Fish Species in Horseshoe Lake: Final Report, 2018

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Mandi McMullen, Benthic Project: Water Quality Assessment for Kabakwa Lake

Mandi McMullen, Benthic Project: Water Quality Assessment for Kabakwa Lake, December 2021

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Mallory Simpson, Alex Walsh, TP_4830 Lake Kashagawigamog Biomonitoring Report - Invasive Species

Mallory Simpson, Alex Walsh, TP_4830 Lake Kashagawigamog Biomonitoring Report - Invasive Species

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Maja DeForest and Jayme Cameron, Community Research Project: HLPOA Naturalized
Shoreline Stabilization Research Project Report

CBR - Final Copy (HLPOA Shoreline).pdf

Maja DeForest and Jayme Cameron, Community Research Project: HLPOA Naturalized
Shoreline Stabilization Research Project Report
, Trent University

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Maggie Wareham, Haliburton County Farmers Market Association Agricultural Assessment

Maggie Wareham, Haliburton County Farmers Market Association Agricultural Assessment, Trent University, April 2024

MacPherson, Allen, Proposed Glebe Park Strategy and Action Plan

MacPherson, Allen, Proposed Glebe Park Strategy and Action Plan, U-Links, 2003

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MacMillan, Kristy; Stathopoulos, Dimitri, Public Attitudes on Climate Change and GHG Emissions in Haliburton county

MacMillan, Kristy; Stathopoulos, Dimitri, Public Attitudes on Climate Change and GHG Emissions in Haliburton county, Trent University, 2007

This research project examines public attitudes on climate change and greenhouse gases in Haliburton County. Two students surveyed a variety of groups…

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MacLeod, Jaime, Accessing Haliburton Canoe Routes: A Legal and Historical Perspective

MacLeod, Jaime, Accessing Haliburton Canoe Routes: A Legal and Historical Perspective, Trent University, 2002

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