Browse Items (947 total)

Brendan Martin
Joseph Gentile
Hannah Williams
Stephanie Barrie
Julia Herault, Haliburton Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019

Haliburton Lake 2019 Report.pdf

Brendan Martin
Joseph Gentile
Hannah Williams
Stephanie Barrie
Julia Herault, Haliburton Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019, U-Links, 2020

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Laventhol & Horawath Management Consultants, Haliburton Market Study: Final Report

Laventhol & Horawath Management Consultants, Haliburton Market Study: Final Report, Coburn, Carolynn, 1986

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Anonymous, Haliburton Nordic Ski Trails: The Ski Trails of Haliburton County

Anonymous, Haliburton Nordic Ski Trails: The Ski Trails of Haliburton County, Trent University, 1992

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Brice, Gwen / Maine, Katherine / St. Onge, Cindy / Cote, Tamara / Strickland, Jon / Brunet, Liz, Haliburton Sir Sandford Fleming College Trillium Campus 2003

Brice, Gwen / Maine, Katherine / St. Onge, Cindy / Cote, Tamara / Strickland, Jon / Brunet, Liz, Haliburton Sir Sandford Fleming College Trillium Campus 2003, 2000

Unknown, Haliburton Social Action Committee By-Laws

Unknown, Haliburton Social Action Committee By-Laws, 1992

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Gervais, Torie and Asha Rao, Haliburton Sugar Makers

Gervais, Torie and Asha Rao, Haliburton Sugar Makers, Trent University, 1998

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Rotary Club of Haliburton, Haliburton Village 1864-1964

Rotary Club of Haliburton, Haliburton Village 1864-1964, Ballantyne, Tom, 1964

Bioregionalism students, Haliburton- Bioregionalism Working Papers

Bioregionalism students, Haliburton- Bioregionalism Working Papers, Ballantyne, Tom, 1993

Photocopied list of Trent Papers on bioregionalism prior to 1993; documents and books related to bioregionalism and Haliburton County.

Trent papers…

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Harper, Jenn; Weber, Nick, Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport - Preliminary Environmental Assessment - Expansion of New Runway

Harper, Jenn; Weber, Nick, Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport - Preliminary Environmental Assessment - Expansion of New Runway, Trent University, 2005

A preliminary environmental assessment of the proposed expansion of the Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport. Discusses the possible…

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Burgess, Sarah, Haliburton-Muskoka Children's Water Festival - Final Report

Burgess, Sarah, Haliburton-Muskoka Children's Water Festival - Final Report, Trent University, 2007

Development of a partnership between the Haliburton Children's Water Festival and Trent University to provide support to first year students and…

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HKPR Health Unit, Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Community Health Status Report: A Report Descirbing the Residents of Haliburton, Victoria, Peterborough and Northumberland Counties

HKPR Health Unit, Haliburton, Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Community Health Status Report: A Report Descirbing the Residents of Haliburton, Victoria, Peterborough and Northumberland Counties, Coburn, Carolynn, 1996

Dueck, Cathy, Haliburton: A History of Human Impact on the Land

Dueck, Cathy, Haliburton: A History of Human Impact on the Land, Trent University, 1990

The paper presents a case study based on the Haliburton Region, tracing the nature of human impact on the land and the cultural values they reflect.…

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Applied Biomonitoring Course, Trent University ERSC 3620H - K. Fleming, Halls and Hawk Lakes Benthic Assessment - 2022

Applied Biomonitoring Course, Trent University ERSC 3620H - K. Fleming April, 2023, Halls and Hawk Lakes Benthic Assessment - 2022, Trent University

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Ian McBain, Halls Lake Benthic Invertebrate Baseline Health Assessment

McBain_2020_Report_Halls_Lake_Benthic_Assessment (1).pdf

Ian McBain, Halls Lake Benthic Invertebrate Baseline Health Assessment, 2020

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Len Whittaker, Brooke Primo, Helen Zhang,
Avneet Kamboj, Manpreet Kaur, Kaelyn Welde
, Halls Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment

Len Whittaker, Brooke Primo, Helen Zhang,
Avneet Kamboj, Manpreet Kaur, Kaelyn Welde
, Halls Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment, Trent University, December 2023

Dorothy T., Shannon T., Natasha A. C., Ashley M., Selena K., Avery S., Halls Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment 2022

Dorothy T., Shannon T., Natasha A. C., Ashley M., Selena K., Avery S., Halls Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment 2022, 2022

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Halls Lake 2020 (1)-min.pdf


The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Halls Lake.

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Bulford, David, Halls Lake: A Story of some of its History, Geography, Geology, Mythology and Genealogy

Bulford, David, Halls Lake: A Story of some of its History, Geography, Geology, Mythology and Genealogy, Bulford, David, 2001

Lakehead Social Planning Council, Handbook of Best Practices: Organizations Operating Not-for-Profit Businesses in Thunder Bay

Lakehead Social Planning Council, Handbook of Best Practices: Organizations Operating Not-for-Profit Businesses in Thunder Bay, 1999

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Vander Klok, Jordan, HANDBOOK: Building Green in Haliburton County

Vander Klok, Jordan, HANDBOOK: Building Green in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2008

Explores a variety of green options for housing renovation and construction projects in Haliburton County, using environmentally friendly materials…

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Harcourt to Gooderham- A Local Story

Harcourt to Gooderham- A Local Story

Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project

Hawk Lakes Benthic Report.pdf

Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project, Trent University, 2021

The first year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Big and Little Hawk Lakes.

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Nayan Ahuja and Jagjot Singh, Health Benefits of Enviro-Plastering

Nayan Ahuja and Jagjot Singh 2023, Health Benefits of Enviro-Plastering, Trent University

Health Care in Haliburton County

Health Care in Haliburton County, Coburn, Carolynn, ca1996

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Fahrun, Dan; Fraser, Cheryl; Moss, Jaime; Clarke, Jackie; Balsar, Brittany; Smith, Devon; Duncan, Heather; Duesling, Bailey; South, Jennifer; Shea, Amanda-Lee; Wickham, Trevor; Rogers, Zoe; Hayes, Nathaniel; MacDonald, Candice; Page, Laura, HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HALIBURTON COUNTY: PHASE TWO

Fahrun, Dan; Fraser, Cheryl; Moss, Jaime; Clarke, Jackie; Balsar, Brittany; Smith, Devon; Duncan, Heather; Duesling, Bailey; South, Jennifer; Shea, Amanda-Lee; Wickham, Trevor; Rogers, Zoe; Hayes, Nathaniel; MacDonald, Candice; Page, Laura, HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HALIBURTON COUNTY: PHASE TWO, Trent University, 2009

The ultimate purpose of the research was to bring information and people together to strengthen the community's overall health. The advisory group…

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Munro, D., Healthy People, Healthy Performance, Healthy Profits

Munro, D., Healthy People, Healthy Performance, Healthy Profits, 2008

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Hamilton, C., Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report

Hamilton, C., Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report, 2006

True Point Computers and Information Consultants, Heart Health Activities & Programs: Haliburton

True Point Computers and Information Consultants, Heart Health Activities & Programs: Haliburton, Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team, HKPR Health Unit, 1998

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various, Heath Canada's Health Policy Research Bulletin, Vol. 14

various, Heath Canada's Health Policy Research Bulletin, Vol. 14, 2007

Canadian Youth Foundation, Help Wanted- How Can The Private Sector Improve Employment Prospects For Young Canadians

Canadian Youth Foundation, Help Wanted- How Can The Private Sector Improve Employment Prospects For Young Canadians, Short, Karen Rae, 1997

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