Browse Items (947 total)

Liam Doyle & Madison Fulmer, Haliburton Forest Parking Lot Revitalization Follow-up

Haliburton Forest Parking Lot Revitalization - Integrative Report A.pdf

Liam Doyle & Madison Fulmer, Haliburton Forest Parking Lot Revitalization Follow-up, 2020

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Liban Abdi, Emily Stratford, TP_4819 The Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change

Liban Abdi, Emily Stratford, TP_4819 The Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change

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Lifetime Consulting Services et al, Trails and Tourism for Tomorrow: Haliburton Trails and Tours Network Strategy

Lifetime Consulting Services et al, Trails and Tourism for Tomorrow: Haliburton Trails and Tours Network Strategy, 1994

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Lincoln Brady and Will Phillips, Energy Savings at the S.G. Nesbitt Memorial Arena

Lincoln Brady and Will Phillips, Energy Savings at the S.G. Nesbitt Memorial Arena, Trent University, 2011

Lindsay Fisher and Brooke Ceci, Diffuse/Watershed Land Use Impacts on Oligotrophic and Mesotrophic Lakes Relating to the Water Quality of Upper Stoney Lake

Lindsay Fisher and Brooke Ceci, Diffuse/Watershed Land Use Impacts on Oligotrophic and Mesotrophic Lakes Relating to the Water Quality of Upper Stoney Lake, March 2022

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Liphardt, Eric, The Haliburton Trails and Tours Network Strategy- A Development Whose Time Has Come

Liphardt, Eric, The Haliburton Trails and Tours Network Strategy- A Development Whose Time Has Come, 1995

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Llano Grande Center, Llano Grande Center for Research and Development

Llano Grande Center, Llano Grande Center for Research and Development, U-Links, 2003

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Lockhart, Dan, Winding Roads and Silent Horses: Andre Lapine, Canada

Lockhart, Dan, Winding Roads and Silent Horses: Andre Lapine, Canada, Trent University, 2001

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Lockhart, Daniel, Minden's Gentle Cavalier: The Life of Andre Lapine

Lockhart, Daniel, Minden's Gentle Cavalier: The Life of Andre Lapine, Trent University, 2000

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LORD Planning & Management, Minden Hills Cultural Centre: Capacity Building and Sustainability Plan

LORD Planning & Management, Minden Hills Cultural Centre: Capacity Building and Sustainability Plan, 2004

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Loucks, Orie and Barbara Godberson, Canning Lake as seen by five generations of the Loucks Family: a family reunion report

Loucks, Orie and Barbara Godberson, Canning Lake as seen by five generations of the Loucks Family: a family reunion report, 2003

Lucas Beckering-Vinckers & Charlie Tremblay, Abbey Gardens Trail Systems

Lucas Beckering-Vinckers & Charlie Tremblay, Abbey Gardens Trail Systems, 2017

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Luciano, Dani-Marie, Art on Trails - A Case Study Approach: Haliburton Highlands

Art on Trails - A Case Study Approach - Haliburton Highlands.pdf

Luciano, Dani-Marie, Art on Trails - A Case Study Approach: Haliburton Highlands, Trent University, 2005

Paper provides background information to aid in decision-making about the incorporation of art on local trails systems, and to help initiate a…

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Luft, George, The Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve and the Bioregion of Haliburton

Luft, George, The Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve and the Bioregion of Haliburton, 1991

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MacDonald, John Andrew Leonard, A Region's Roots

MacDonald, John Andrew Leonard, A Region's Roots, 1994

Mackay, Scott, The History of Movement and Habitation in the Haliburton Bioregion, 1860-1996

Mackay, Scott, The History of Movement and Habitation in the Haliburton Bioregion, 1860-1996, Trent University, 1996

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MacKinnon, David, Community Initiatives in B.C. Forests: A Bioregional Perspective

MacKinnon, David, Community Initiatives in B.C. Forests: A Bioregional Perspective, Trent University, n.d.

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MacLeod, Jaime, Accessing Haliburton Canoe Routes: A Legal and Historical Perspective

MacLeod, Jaime, Accessing Haliburton Canoe Routes: A Legal and Historical Perspective, Trent University, 2002

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MacMillan, Kristy; Stathopoulos, Dimitri, Public Attitudes on Climate Change and GHG Emissions in Haliburton county

MacMillan, Kristy; Stathopoulos, Dimitri, Public Attitudes on Climate Change and GHG Emissions in Haliburton county, Trent University, 2007

This research project examines public attitudes on climate change and greenhouse gases in Haliburton County. Two students surveyed a variety of groups…

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MacPherson, Allen, Proposed Glebe Park Strategy and Action Plan

MacPherson, Allen, Proposed Glebe Park Strategy and Action Plan, U-Links, 2003

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Maggie Wareham, Haliburton County Farmers Market Association Agricultural Assessment

Maggie Wareham, Haliburton County Farmers Market Association Agricultural Assessment, Trent University, April 2024

Maja DeForest and Jayme Cameron, Community Research Project: HLPOA Naturalized
Shoreline Stabilization Research Project Report

CBR - Final Copy (HLPOA Shoreline).pdf

Maja DeForest and Jayme Cameron, Community Research Project: HLPOA Naturalized
Shoreline Stabilization Research Project Report
, Trent University

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Mallory Simpson, Alex Walsh, TP_4830 Lake Kashagawigamog Biomonitoring Report - Invasive Species

Mallory Simpson, Alex Walsh, TP_4830 Lake Kashagawigamog Biomonitoring Report - Invasive Species

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Mandi McMullen, Benthic Project: Water Quality Assessment for Kabakwa Lake

Mandi McMullen, Benthic Project: Water Quality Assessment for Kabakwa Lake, December 2021

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Marcus Rice, Ajay Venkat, Lucas Young, Jack Moreau, Mac Marzolini, Beth Bekele, Biological Productivity and Sustainability of Apex Predator Fish Species in Horseshoe Lake: Final Report

Marcus Rice, Ajay Venkat, Lucas Young, Jack Moreau, Mac Marzolini, Beth Bekele, Biological Productivity and Sustainability of Apex Predator Fish Species in Horseshoe Lake: Final Report, 2018

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Mark B. Stagg, County Planner and EDO, Without Prejudice

Mark B. Stagg, County Planner and EDO, Without Prejudice, Coburn, Carolynn, 1994

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Markwick, Kerry, The History of Water Conrol in Haliburton County: A Contemporary Analysis of Human Impact on the Natural Environment

Markwick, Kerry, The History of Water Conrol in Haliburton County: A Contemporary Analysis of Human Impact on the Natural Environment, Trent University, 1993

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Marleau, Wynona , Environmental Events Curriculum

Marleau, Wynona , Environmental Events Curriculum, Trent University, 2006

A collection of curriculum based resources for elementary schools. Available in electronic form.

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Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd et al, Haliburton County Trails & Tours Network Strategy Final Report

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd et al, Haliburton County Trails & Tours Network Strategy Final Report, Anthon, Jeanne, 1995

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Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Haliburton County Trails and Tours Network Strategy

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Haliburton County Trails and Tours Network Strategy, 1995

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