Browse Items (947 total)

Food Banks Canada, Hunger Counts

Food Banks Canada, Hunger Counts, 2008

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County of Haliburton, Hub Committee Meeting Minutes II

County of Haliburton, Hub Committee Meeting Minutes II, Martin, Fay, 1998-2000

County of Haliburton Hub Committee, Hub Committee Meeting Minutes I

County of Haliburton Hub Committee, Hub Committee Meeting Minutes I, Martin, Fay, 1998-1999

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SIRCH, How to Save on Your Heat and Hydro Bills

SIRCH, How to Save on Your Heat and Hydro Bills, Robertson, Gena, 2000

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SIRCH, How to Get the Most out of Your Food Budget

SIRCH, How to Get the Most out of Your Food Budget, Robertson, Gena, 2000

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various, Housing Resources

various, Housing Resources, ca 2006

Cameron, Carolyn; Chatten, Ashlee, Housing in Haliburton for Women 45-64

Cameron, Carolyn; Chatten, Ashlee, Housing in Haliburton for Women 45-64, Trent University, 2007

This paper considers the housing situation for women between 45-64 from a broad perspective. It includes some analysis specific to Haliburton.

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Courtney Leermakers, Horseshoe Lake Seasonal Water Fluctuation Effects on the Benthic Zone and Implications for the Fish Assemblage

Courtney Leermakers, Horseshoe Lake Seasonal Water Fluctuation Effects on the Benthic Zone and Implications for the Fish Assemblage, 2017

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Brendan Martin, Jide Sayomi, Adam Alaimo, Horseshoe Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Report

Horseshoe Lake Report[FINAL DRAFT] compressed photos.pdf

Brendan Martin, Jide Sayomi, Adam Alaimo, Horseshoe Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Report, Fleming College, 2019

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HMK Children's Water Festival Lessons & Activites, HMK Children's Water Festival Lessons & Activites

HMK Children's Water Festival Lessons & Activites, HMK Children's Water Festival Lessons & Activites, 2012

Willet, Mindy, Historical Perceptions of the Gull River

Willet, Mindy, Historical Perceptions of the Gull River, Trent University, 1992

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Municipality of Highlands East, Highlands East Environmental Department report - summary

Municipality of Highlands East, Highlands East Environmental Department report - summary, U-Links, 2002

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Highland Gate Community, Minden Ontario

Highland Gate Community, Minden Ontario, U-Links, 2002

Kelton Adderley-Heron, Michael Duquette, Mikayla Young, HHLT Species at Risk

Matthew Smith
Sevda Lag
Ian Warburton
Devin Claypole
Carlie O'Brien, HHLT Salamander Monitoring Project: Literature Review and Recommendations

HHLT Salamander Literature Review Final (2).pdf

Matthew Smith
Sevda Lag
Ian Warburton
Devin Claypole
Carlie O'Brien, HHLT Salamander Monitoring Project: Literature Review and Recommendations, Trent University, 2020

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Byington, Emily; Leavens, Ann; Lentini, Melissa; Williams,Rebecca; Connelly, Corlin; Souch, Justin;  Brunton, Sandra; Davis, Ben; McClement, Joey;  Walker, Kyomi; Hughes, Geoffrey; Lebel, Katie, HHHS - Asking Questions to improve our community health

Byington, Emily; Leavens, Ann; Lentini, Melissa; Williams,Rebecca; Connelly, Corlin; Souch, Justin;  Brunton, Sandra; Davis, Ben; McClement, Joey;  Walker, Kyomi; Hughes, Geoffrey; Lebel, Katie, HHHS - Asking Questions to improve our community health, Trent University, 2011

The Rural Health topics the students chose to cover were:1. How does living in Haliburton County influence your likelihood to suffer from a chronic…

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SIRCH, Helpful Hints on How To Lower Your Expenses

SIRCH, Helpful Hints on How To Lower Your Expenses, Robertson, Gena, 2000

Canadian Youth Foundation, Help Wanted- How Can The Private Sector Improve Employment Prospects For Young Canadians

Canadian Youth Foundation, Help Wanted- How Can The Private Sector Improve Employment Prospects For Young Canadians, Short, Karen Rae, 1997

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various, Heath Canada's Health Policy Research Bulletin, Vol. 14

various, Heath Canada's Health Policy Research Bulletin, Vol. 14, 2007

True Point Computers and Information Consultants, Heart Health Activities & Programs: Haliburton

True Point Computers and Information Consultants, Heart Health Activities & Programs: Haliburton, Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team, HKPR Health Unit, 1998

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Hamilton, C., Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report

Hamilton, C., Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report, 2006

Munro, D., Healthy People, Healthy Performance, Healthy Profits

Munro, D., Healthy People, Healthy Performance, Healthy Profits, 2008

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Fahrun, Dan; Fraser, Cheryl; Moss, Jaime; Clarke, Jackie; Balsar, Brittany; Smith, Devon; Duncan, Heather; Duesling, Bailey; South, Jennifer; Shea, Amanda-Lee; Wickham, Trevor; Rogers, Zoe; Hayes, Nathaniel; MacDonald, Candice; Page, Laura, HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HALIBURTON COUNTY: PHASE TWO

Fahrun, Dan; Fraser, Cheryl; Moss, Jaime; Clarke, Jackie; Balsar, Brittany; Smith, Devon; Duncan, Heather; Duesling, Bailey; South, Jennifer; Shea, Amanda-Lee; Wickham, Trevor; Rogers, Zoe; Hayes, Nathaniel; MacDonald, Candice; Page, Laura, HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HALIBURTON COUNTY: PHASE TWO, Trent University, 2009

The ultimate purpose of the research was to bring information and people together to strengthen the community's overall health. The advisory group…

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Health Care in Haliburton County

Health Care in Haliburton County, Coburn, Carolynn, ca1996

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Nayan Ahuja and Jagjot Singh, Health Benefits of Enviro-Plastering

Nayan Ahuja and Jagjot Singh 2023, Health Benefits of Enviro-Plastering, Trent University

Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project

Hawk Lakes Benthic Report.pdf

Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project, Trent University, 2021

The first year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Big and Little Hawk Lakes.

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Harcourt to Gooderham- A Local Story

Harcourt to Gooderham- A Local Story

Vander Klok, Jordan, HANDBOOK: Building Green in Haliburton County

Vander Klok, Jordan, HANDBOOK: Building Green in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2008

Explores a variety of green options for housing renovation and construction projects in Haliburton County, using environmentally friendly materials…

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Lakehead Social Planning Council, Handbook of Best Practices: Organizations Operating Not-for-Profit Businesses in Thunder Bay

Lakehead Social Planning Council, Handbook of Best Practices: Organizations Operating Not-for-Profit Businesses in Thunder Bay, 1999

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Bulford, David, Halls Lake: A Story of some of its History, Geography, Geology, Mythology and Genealogy

Bulford, David, Halls Lake: A Story of some of its History, Geography, Geology, Mythology and Genealogy, Bulford, David, 2001

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