Browse Items (947 total)

Haliburton Highlands Secondary School students, Haliburton High School wetland evaluation report

Haliburton Highlands Secondary School students, Haliburton High School wetland evaluation report, Haliburton Highlands Secondary School, 2003

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Liam Doyle & Madison Fulmer, Haliburton Forest Parking Lot Revitalization Follow-up

Haliburton Forest Parking Lot Revitalization - Integrative Report A.pdf

Liam Doyle & Madison Fulmer, Haliburton Forest Parking Lot Revitalization Follow-up, 2020

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Smith, Robin, Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve: Wholistic Forest Use, Community and Place

Smith, Robin, Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve: Wholistic Forest Use, Community and Place, Trent University, 1996

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Eleanor Holt and Rnie Panopio, Haliburton Forest and Wild Life Reserve Parking Lot Revitalization

Eleanor G. Skelton, Emerson W. Skelton, Haliburton Flora: an annotated list of vascular plants of the county of Haliburton

Eleanor G. Skelton, Emerson W. Skelton, Haliburton Flora: an annotated list of vascular plants of the county of Haliburton, 1991

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Ministry of Treasury and Economics, Haliburton Economic Development Study Staff Report

Ministry of Treasury and Economics, Haliburton Economic Development Study Staff Report, Coburn, Carolynn, 1979

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Haliburton Echo

Haliburton Echo, 1974 to present

Clow, Adam, Haliburton Dedicated Angler Program

Clow, Adam, Haliburton Dedicated Angler Program, Trent University, 2008-2009

Examines the forms that dedicated angler programs have taken across North America and provides recommendations how such a program should be…

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Haliburton County: Visioning Data 1995

Haliburton County: Visioning Data 1995, Anthon, Jeanne, 1995

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Fraser, Michael, Haliburton County: the Water that Flows Through It

Fraser, Michael, Haliburton County: the Water that Flows Through It, Trent University, 1994

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Lang, Jennifer, Haliburton County: The Logging Industry in the Depression Era

Lang, Jennifer, Haliburton County: The Logging Industry in the Depression Era, Trent University, 1995

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Haliburton County: Connect Ontario/Geosmart Project

Haliburton County: Connect Ontario/Geosmart Project, U-Links, 2002

Haliburton County: Bioregional Information and Reports

Haliburton County: Bioregional Information and Reports

Roth, Richard, Haliburton County: A Community Self-Assessment

Roth, Richard, Haliburton County: A Community Self-Assessment, Trent University, 1992

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Ministry of Natural Resources, Haliburton County Water Quality Survey Data Form, Gull Lake

Ministry of Natural Resources, Haliburton County Water Quality Survey Data Form, Gull Lake, 2002

various, Haliburton County Visioning Session: notes from group work. November 2008.

various, Haliburton County Visioning Session: notes from group work. November 2008., 2008

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Haliburton County Trails and Tours Network Strategy

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd., Haliburton County Trails and Tours Network Strategy, 1995

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Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd et al, Haliburton County Trails & Tours Network Strategy Final Report

Marshall Macklin Monaghan Ltd et al, Haliburton County Trails & Tours Network Strategy Final Report, Anthon, Jeanne, 1995

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Social Planning Council, Haliburton County Social Planning Council

Social Planning Council, Haliburton County Social Planning Council, Martin, Fay, 1971-1982

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Bucholtz, Krista; Fisher, Kurt, Haliburton County Rail Trail: 'Value of the Trail'

Bucholtz, Krista; Fisher, Kurt, Haliburton County Rail Trail: 'Value of the Trail', Trent University, 2008

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Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County profile

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County profile, Anthon, Jeanne, 1989

County Office, Haliburton County Office Index

County Office, Haliburton County Office Index, Wilbee, Tamara

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Helene Golden, Haliburton County Needs Assessment Report (Public Library)

Helene Golden, Haliburton County Needs Assessment Report (Public Library), U-Links, 2003

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Goschl, F., Ritchie, L., Watson, M., Zita, A., Haliburton County Mining Heritage: Snowdon Township

Goschl, F., Ritchie, L., Watson, M., Zita, A., Haliburton County Mining Heritage: Snowdon Township, U-links, 2002

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various, Haliburton County Land Ambulance Information

various, Haliburton County Land Ambulance Information, Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

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Haliburton County Information Centre, Haliburton County Information Centre, Inc.: Annual Report

Haliburton County Information Centre, Haliburton County Information Centre, Inc.: Annual Report, Anthon, Jeanne, 1994-1995

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Haliburton County Information Articles and Studies

Haliburton County Information Articles and Studies

Haliburton County Home Support Services, Haliburton County Home Support Services Volunteer Handbooks

Haliburton County Home Support Services, Haliburton County Home Support Services Volunteer Handbooks, U-Links, 1995

Maggie Wareham, Haliburton County Farmers Market Association Agricultural Assessment

Maggie Wareham, Haliburton County Farmers Market Association Agricultural Assessment, Trent University, April 2024

Haliburton Social Planning Council, Haliburton County Directory of Community Services

Haliburton Social Planning Council, Haliburton County Directory of Community Services, 1972

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