Browse Items (947 total)

Murray, Chris; Robus, Jennifer, Protecting the Dark Skies: Night Lighting for Kennisis Lake

Murray, Chris; Robus, Jennifer, Protecting the Dark Skies: Night Lighting for Kennisis Lake, Trent University, 2007

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Murray, Florence B., Muskoka and Haliburton 1615-1875: A Collection of Documents

Murray, Florence B., Muskoka and Haliburton 1615-1875: A Collection of Documents, U-Links, 1963

Mystaya Touw, Shoreline Stewardship: Capacity Building through ENGO Programming and Local Partnerships

M.Touw.ThesisFinal (3).pdf

Mystaya Touw, Shoreline Stewardship: Capacity Building through ENGO Programming and Local Partnerships, 2021

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Nancy Duxbury, Cultural Indicators and Benchmarks in Community Indicator Projects: Performance Measures for Cultural Investment

Nancy Duxbury, Cultural Indicators and Benchmarks in Community Indicator Projects: Performance Measures for Cultural Investment, 2003

Nancy M. Draper Consultants, Proposal for a Feasibilty Study of the Amalgamation of Children's Services in Haliburton County

Nancy M. Draper Consultants, Proposal for a Feasibilty Study of the Amalgamation of Children's Services in Haliburton County, 1991

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Natalie Chesla, Jeff Turcotte, Spencer Yeo, Windy Pine Shoreline Restoration Proposal

Natasha Akai, Amy Mathewson, Celebrating Cancer Recovery Together

Natasha Akai, Amy Mathewson, Celebrating Cancer Recovery Together, 2012

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National Broadband Taskforce, The New National Dream: Networking the Nation for Broadband Access

National Broadband Taskforce, The New National Dream: Networking the Nation for Broadband Access, U-Links, 2001

Nayan Ahuja and Jagjot Singh, Health Benefits of Enviro-Plastering

Nayan Ahuja and Jagjot Singh 2023, Health Benefits of Enviro-Plastering, Trent University

Nelson, Chad, What is this place we are ever rushing towards? Or, a gravel pit and the History of Velocity

Nelson, Chad, What is this place we are ever rushing towards? Or, a gravel pit and the History of Velocity, Trent University, 1994

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Nguyen, Nhien, Methods for Studying the Economic Impact of Trails in Haliburton

Nguyen, Nhien, Methods for Studying the Economic Impact of Trails in Haliburton, Trent University, 2007

The purpose of this project was to research methods of tracking the economic impact of trails and provide recommendations.

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Nicholas James Lymer, Development Potential for Vacant Lots in the Municipality of Dysart et al, Ontario

Nicholas James Lymer, Development Potential for Vacant Lots in the Municipality of Dysart et al, Ontario, 2013

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Nicholas Weissflog, A Report on Ecosystem Services for the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust:

Nicholas Weissflog, A Report on Ecosystem Services for the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust:, 2013

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Nicholas Weissflog, Natural Heritage Planning Framework: A review of the setup process for Natural Heritage Systems

Nicholas Weissflog, Natural Heritage Planning Framework: A review of the setup process for Natural Heritage Systems, 2013

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Nicholls, Emony, Minden Hills Riverwalk Park: Planting Plan

Nicholls, Emony, Minden Hills Riverwalk Park: Planting Plan, Trent University, 2008

This report contains information to help decision makers as the shoreline of the Gull River in Minden is developed. The focus is to reduce water use,…

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Njoki Muriithi, Daniel Butler, Trinity Torrejos, The Kennisis Lakes
Portage Routes and
Traditional Rights of Way

Njoki Muriithi, Daniel Butler, Trinity Torrejos, The Kennisis Lakes
Portage Routes and
Traditional Rights of Way
, Trent University, April 2023

Noah Korne, Bird community structure, abundance, and diversity at a property in Haliburton, Ontario.

Noah Korne, Bird community structure, abundance, and diversity at a property in Haliburton, Ontario., 2018

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Olivia Sliwa, Timothy Calupig, Caroline Marais, Chanté White, Climate Change Health, Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessment Plan: Policy Scan

Olivia Sliwa, Timothy Calupig, Caroline Marais, Chanté White, Climate Change Health, Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessment Plan: Policy Scan, 2019

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Ontario, A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario

Ontario, A Guide to Programs and Services for Seniors in Ontario, Ontario Government, 2005

Ontario Association of Architects, Minden Cause: Community Assist for an Urban Study Effort

Ontario Association of Architects, Minden Cause: Community Assist for an Urban Study Effort, Coburn, Carolynn, 1982

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Ontario Forest Policy Panel, Diversity: Forests, People, Communities

Ontario Forest Policy Panel, Diversity: Forests, People, Communities, 1993

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Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Growth and Settlement Policy Guidelines

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Growth and Settlement Policy Guidelines, 1992

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Municipal Affairs Field Management Branch Municipal Analysis and Retrieval System: Detail Financial Information

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Municipal Affairs Field Management Branch Municipal Analysis and Retrieval System: Detail Financial Information, Anthon, Jeanne, 1996

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Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Report of the Advisory Committee on County Government: Patterns for the Future

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Report of the Advisory Committee on County Government: Patterns for the Future, Anthon, Jeanne, 1987

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Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Planning Reform

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Planning Reform, 2004

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Ontario Ministry of Revenue: Assessors Field Guide, Property Codes

Ontario Ministry of Revenue: Assessors Field Guide, Property Codes, Coburn, Carolynn, ca 1997

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Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Air Quality in Ontario: 2007 Report

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Air Quality in Ontario: 2007 Report, 2007-2008

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Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Leslie M. Frost Natural Resources Centre: Where Learning Comes Naturally

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Leslie M. Frost Natural Resources Centre: Where Learning Comes Naturally, U-Links, 2003

Ontario Provincial Police Haliburton Detachment, Haliburton Highlands Detachment Business Plan (OPP)

Ontario Provincial Police Haliburton Detachment, Haliburton Highlands Detachment Business Plan (OPP), Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

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Ontario Provincial Police: Municipal Policing Section, Ontario Provincial Police Presentation to the County of Haliburton

Ontario Provincial Police: Municipal Policing Section, Ontario Provincial Police Presentation to the County of Haliburton, Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

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