Browse Items (947 total)

Chase, Leanne; McPherson, Stuart, Natural Heritage Education

Chase, Leanne; McPherson, Stuart, Natural Heritage Education, Trent University, 2007

This paper defines Natural Heritage Planning and includes basic curriculum for grade 12.

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Cook, Sabrina; Lazure, Jonathan; Martucci, Andrea; Walters, Ben, Natural Heritage Information of the Haliburton Highlands

Cook, Sabrina; Lazure, Jonathan; Martucci, Andrea; Walters, Ben, Natural Heritage Information of the Haliburton Highlands, Trent University, 2006

Identify key natural areas on the landscape that have important biological, ecological, aesthetic, recreational, or other functions or values that may…

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Nicholas Weissflog, Natural Heritage Planning Framework: A review of the setup process for Natural Heritage Systems

Nicholas Weissflog, Natural Heritage Planning Framework: A review of the setup process for Natural Heritage Systems, 2013

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Boyes, Peter, Needs Assessment Study: Is There a Market for a Community Owned and Operated Pool in the County of Haliburton?

Boyes, Peter, Needs Assessment Study: Is There a Market for a Community Owned and Operated Pool in the County of Haliburton?, Trent University, 2001

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Commission of Planning and Development Reform in Ontario, New Planning for Ontario: Final Report Summary & Recommendations

Commission of Planning and Development Reform in Ontario, New Planning for Ontario: Final Report Summary & Recommendations, 1993

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Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, New Planning System Leaves Ontario's Natural Heritage Unprotected says Environmental Commissioner

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, New Planning System Leaves Ontario's Natural Heritage Unprotected says Environmental Commissioner, 2005

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Ellison, Jessica, No Claim to Greatness but that which comes from a Job Well Done: The Pioneer Myth in a rural Ontario town.

Ellison, Jessica, No Claim to Greatness but that which comes from a Job Well Done: The Pioneer Myth in a rural Ontario town., Trent University, 2010

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The Aspen Institute, Nonprofit Sector Research Fund: Community-Based Research in the United States

The Aspen Institute, Nonprofit Sector Research Fund: Community-Based Research in the United States, U-Links, 1999

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Tracy Pembleton, Michelle Polley, Nikolet Ertl, Rebekah Foote, Norah's Island Biodiversity Monitoring Project

Tracy Pembleton, Michelle Polley, Nikolet Ertl, Rebekah Foote, Norah's Island Biodiversity Monitoring Project, 2013

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Popple, Robert, Northern Belle: The Life Story of Ethel Curry, Including her Connections to the Group of Seven

Popple, Robert, Northern Belle: The Life Story of Ethel Curry, Including her Connections to the Group of Seven, 2003

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Notebook of John Arnberg of Eagle Lake

Notebook of John Arnberg of Eagle Lake, 1891-1893

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Wolfe, Ben, Notes Toward and Environmental History of Haliburton: The Pine Logging Period, 1852-1884

Wolfe, Ben, Notes Toward and Environmental History of Haliburton: The Pine Logging Period, 1852-1884, Trent University, 1990

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Part I: Through A Scientific Lens
Emma J. Horrigan
Part II: Citizen Science and Community Collaboration
Angel Taylor, Haliburton County Garlic Growers Association, NR- 679
Managing Garlic Pests in Haliburton County

Part I: Through A Scientific Lens
Emma J. Horrigan
Part II: Citizen Science and Community Collaboration
Angel Taylor, Haliburton County Garlic Growers Association, NR- 679
Managing Garlic Pests in Haliburton County

Dylan Goutos
Amber Hawkins
Kari Jansen
Lita O’Halloran, NR-680 KUSHOG LAKE SUB-WATERSHEDS 1-10:
Ground Truthing Inflows and Establishing Long-Term Monitoring Sites
Final Report

Dylan Goutos
Amber Hawkins
Kari Jansen
Lita O’Halloran, NR-680 KUSHOG LAKE SUB-WATERSHEDS 1-10:
Ground Truthing Inflows and Establishing Long-Term Monitoring Sites
Final Report

Laura Gerencser
Devon Hennessy
Daphne Paszterko
Reuben Van Zeumeren, NR-681 Submittal of Final Kushog Lake Ground Truthing Report 2014
Kushog Lake Identification and Inflow Analysis: Year 3

Laura Gerencser
Devon Hennessy
Daphne Paszterko
Reuben Van Zeumeren, NR-681 Submittal of Final Kushog Lake Ground Truthing Report 2014
Kushog Lake Identification and Inflow Analysis: Year 3

A. E. Christie, Ph.D., Nutrient - Phytoplankton Relationships in Eight Southern Ontario Lakes

A. E. Christie, Ph.D., Nutrient - Phytoplankton Relationships in Eight Southern Ontario Lakes, 1968

Ryan Hill, Odonata monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust properties: fauna and protocols

RHill_CBR_HHLT_OdonateMonitoring_Final.docx (1).pdf

Ryan Hill, Odonata monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust properties: fauna and protocols, Trent University, 2020

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Stefanie Fraser and Kate Brillinger, Off-Road Network: Market Survey

Stefanie Fraser and Kate Brillinger, Off-Road Network: Market Survey, 2012

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Gourlie, Sarah, Ontario Early Years Centre

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ontario Municipal Board: A Citizen's Guide

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ontario Municipal Board: A Citizen's Guide, 1985

Ontario Provincial Police: Municipal Policing Section, Ontario Provincial Police Presentation to the County of Haliburton

Ontario Provincial Police: Municipal Policing Section, Ontario Provincial Police Presentation to the County of Haliburton, Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

Ontario Shoreline Management Advisory Council, Ontario Shoreline Management Council: Annual Report

Ontario Shoreline Management Advisory Council, Ontario Shoreline Management Council: Annual Report, 1987-1988

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Task Force on the Environmental Bill of Rights, Ontario's Proposed Environmental Bill of Rights

Task Force on the Environmental Bill of Rights, Ontario's Proposed Environmental Bill of Rights, 1992

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Murphy, Ashley, Opportunities for youth to apprentice in the trades

Murphy, Ashley, Opportunities for youth to apprentice in the trades, Trent University, 2004

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Emily Stratford, Optimizing Spent Brewer’s Grain as an Effective Soil Amendment

Emily Stratford, Optimizing Spent Brewer’s Grain as an Effective Soil Amendment, 2019

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Caitlin Perry, Options for Composting at Abbey Gardens - An analysis of backyard composting systems and project plan for a compost

Caitlin Perry, Options for Composting at Abbey Gardens - An analysis of backyard composting systems and project plan for a compost, 2013

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Orange lodge Information

Orange lodge Information

Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows Part II: An Economic Development Strategy for the Township of Snowdon

Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows Part II: An Economic Development Strategy for the Township of Snowdon, Anthon, Jeanne, 1992

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Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows: A Strategic Plan for the Township of Snowdon

Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows: A Strategic Plan for the Township of Snowdon, Anthon, Jeanne, 1992

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Workman, Cheryl, Over a Century of Hospitality: the Settlement History of Willow Beach Cottages

Workman, Cheryl, Over a Century of Hospitality: the Settlement History of Willow Beach Cottages, Trent University, 2003

This paper follows a small plot of land in the Haliburton Highlands from its use as a camping site for Algonquin Indians in the years prior to 1850,…

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