Browse Items (947 total)

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Policy and Procedures Manual

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Policy and Procedures Manual, U-Links, 2006

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Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County profile

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County profile, Anthon, Jeanne, 1989

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database, 1998

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Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database 3rd Edition Published November 2003

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database 3rd Edition Published November 2003, 2003

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database 2nd Edition Published May 1999

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database 2nd Edition Published May 1999, Andy Campbell, 1999

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Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database 1st Edition, Published July 1998

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Haliburton County Database 1st Edition, Published July 1998, 1998

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Creating Retirement and Lifestyle Communities in Haliburton County

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Creating Retirement and Lifestyle Communities in Haliburton County, U-Links, 2002

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Haliburton County Development Corporation, Building Community Capacity Using GIS

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Building Community Capacity Using GIS, U-Links, 2003

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Haliburton County Committee Against Violence, Terms of Reference: Haliburton County Committee Against Violence

Haliburton County Committee Against Violence, Terms of Reference: Haliburton County Committee Against Violence, U-Links, 1998

Haliburton County Committe against Violence and Abuse, Haliburton County Committee Against Violence and Abuse (CAVA)

Haliburton County Committe against Violence and Abuse, Haliburton County Committee Against Violence and Abuse (CAVA), Fay Martin, 1999-2000

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Haliburton County, Haliburton County Atlas: Release 2.0 - July 2008

Haliburton County, Haliburton County Atlas: Release 2.0 - July 2008, Carolynn Coburn, 2008

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Haliburton County, Haliburton County Atlas: Release 1.0 - June 2005

Haliburton County, Haliburton County Atlas: Release 1.0 - June 2005, Carolynn Coburn, 2005

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Haliburton Committee against Violence and Abuse, Funding Proposal for Committee Against Violence and Abuse

Haliburton Committee against Violence and Abuse, Funding Proposal for Committee Against Violence and Abuse, U-Llinks, 1999

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Haliburton Board of Education, Lumbering in Haliburton County

Haliburton Board of Education, Lumbering in Haliburton County, 1974

Haliburton, Haliburton Highlands; A Beautiful Place to Live, Work and Play

Haliburton, Haliburton Highlands; A Beautiful Place to Live, Work and Play, Martin, Fay, ca1998

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Haley, Tim, In Search of a Better Buy: Wildfoods and Herbal Remedies

Haley, Tim, In Search of a Better Buy: Wildfoods and Herbal Remedies, Trent University, n.d.

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Grimwood, Jon, The Kandalore Experience: Generations of Youth Camping in the Haliburton Highlands

Grimwood, Jon, The Kandalore Experience: Generations of Youth Camping in the Haliburton Highlands, Trent University, 1998

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Greer Galloway and Associates Ltd, County of Haliburton Waste Management Study

Greer Galloway and Associates Ltd, County of Haliburton Waste Management Study, Coburn, Carolynn, 1983

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Greenley, Corey and Julie Corlett, Stanhope Township Waste Management Proposal

Greenley, Corey and Julie Corlett, Stanhope Township Waste Management Proposal, Trent University, n.d.

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Green Communities Canada, Walk21, Walkability Road Show Case Studies

Green Communities Canada, Walk21, Walkability Road Show Case Studies, 2007

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Grace Swinton, Caleb Greer, Brody Marietti, Arlen Rivet, Winter Water Conditions in the Kawartha Lakes - Internal Loadings Study

Grace Swinton, Caleb Greer, Brody Marietti, Arlen Rivet, Winter Water Conditions in the Kawartha Lakes - Internal Loadings Study, Trent University, April 2023

Government of Canada, Youthlink: helping you make the transition from school to work

Government of Canada, Youthlink: helping you make the transition from school to work, 2001

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Gourlie, Sarah, Ontario Early Years Centre

Goschl, F., Ritchie, L., Watson, M., Zita, A., Haliburton County Mining Heritage: Snowdon Township

Goschl, F., Ritchie, L., Watson, M., Zita, A., Haliburton County Mining Heritage: Snowdon Township, U-links, 2002

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Gordon Edwards, Radioactivity, Isotopes, Bombs

Gordon Edwards, Radioactivity, Isotopes, Bombs

Gordon Edwards, Climate Change

Gordon Edwards, Climate Change

Golder Associates Ltd, Subsurface Investigations and Condition of Dams: Bicroft Mine Site Bancroft, Ontario

Golder Associates Ltd, Subsurface Investigations and Condition of Dams: Bicroft Mine Site Bancroft, Ontario, 1990

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Godkin, Karen; Kilgour, Megan; Mankowski, Jessica; Peters, Natalie; Zwir, Kathryn, Micro-Hydro Generation - Policy and Legal Issues

Godkin, Karen; Kilgour, Megan; Mankowski, Jessica; Peters, Natalie; Zwir, Kathryn, Micro-Hydro Generation - Policy and Legal Issues, Trent University, 2004

An environmental impact assessment of the proposal to use an existing dam in the village of Haliburton to develop a micro-hyrdro project.

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Gnys, Natalie, Art and Economic Viability in Haliburton County

Gnys, Natalie, Art and Economic Viability in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2002

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Glover, Jennifer, Capturing a Piece of Paradise: Lot Subdividion and the Transition of Land Use of Canning Lake

Glover, Jennifer, Capturing a Piece of Paradise: Lot Subdividion and the Transition of Land Use of Canning Lake, Trent University, 2006-2007

This report investgates the history of several lots on Canning Lake and provides some analysis on the implications of the changes, in terms of land…

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