Browse Items (947 total)

Rob Conohan, Lake capacity study of Little Cameron Lake

Rob Conohan, Lake capacity study of Little Cameron Lake

Rob Williams, Jacob Reid, Arthur Hughes, James Bryan, Tom Thistle, Septic Systems: Inspection and Innovation

Rob Williams, Jacob Reid, Arthur Hughes, James Bryan, Tom Thistle, Septic Systems: Inspection and Innovation, 2009

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Robert Ormston, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment: Year 2

Kawagama Lake Benthic Report Final.pdf

Robert Ormston, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment: Year 2, Trent University, 2021

The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Kawagama Lake.

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Robertson, Gena, My Journal of Healing

Robertson, Gena, My Journal of Healing, Robertson, Gena, 1998

Robertson, Gena, My Journey into Motherhood: A Pregnancy Journal and Keepsake

Robertson, Gena, My Journey into Motherhood: A Pregnancy Journal and Keepsake, Robertson, Gena, 1998

Robertson, Gena, Update on School's Cool courses in Ontario

Robertson, Gena, Update on School's Cool courses in Ontario, Robertson, Gena, 2000

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Robinson, Chris and Suave, Sophie Nichol, Uncovering the ELM Forest: A Forest Reconstruction Project

Robinson, Chris and Suave, Sophie Nichol, Uncovering the ELM Forest: A Forest Reconstruction Project, Mowatt, Dave, 1998

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Romberg, Bob, Landfill diversion issues: report to Council

Romberg, Bob, Landfill diversion issues: report to Council, U-Links, 2004

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Ron Tozer and Nancy Checko, Algonquin Provincial Park Bibliography

Ron Tozer and Nancy Checko, Algonquin Provincial Park Bibliography

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Roots, Robin, Natural Heritage Areas in Haliburton, Ontario: Provincial Initiatives for Protection

Roots, Robin, Natural Heritage Areas in Haliburton, Ontario: Provincial Initiatives for Protection, 1992

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Rosalyn Shepherd & Annalise Buchowski, Ston(e)y Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Baseline Health Assessment 2020-2021

Stoney Lake Final Report 2021.pdf

Rosalyn Shepherd & Annalise Buchowski, Ston(e)y Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Baseline Health Assessment 2020-2021, Trent University, 2021

The first year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of the Stoney Lake complex.

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Roshelle Chan, GIS Database Migration and Development for the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust


Roshelle Chan, GIS Database Migration and Development for the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust, Trent University, 2021

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Roshelle Chan, Marissa Pucci, Ankit Tripathi, Calcium Decline, Impacts and Potential Mitigation Efforts in Kawagama Lake

Roshelle Chan, Marissa Pucci, Ankit Tripathi, Calcium Decline, Impacts and Potential Mitigation Efforts in Kawagama Lake, 2019

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Rotary Club of Haliburton, Haliburton Village 1864-1964

Rotary Club of Haliburton, Haliburton Village 1864-1964, Ballantyne, Tom, 1964

Roth, Richard, Haliburton County: A Community Self-Assessment

Roth, Richard, Haliburton County: A Community Self-Assessment, Trent University, 1992

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Rouse-Kyle, Julie, Toward a Bioregional Work Ethic: a Celebration of Hands

Rouse-Kyle, Julie, Toward a Bioregional Work Ethic: a Celebration of Hands, Trent University, 1991

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Ryan Hill, Odonata monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust properties: fauna and protocols

RHill_CBR_HHLT_OdonateMonitoring_Final.docx (1).pdf

Ryan Hill, Odonata monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust properties: fauna and protocols, Trent University, 2020

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S., Bird, M., Parrington, and T., MacAvelia, Fisheries Assessment: Summer Index Netting, Gull Lake

S., Bird, M., Parrington, and T., MacAvelia, Fisheries Assessment: Summer Index Netting, Gull Lake, 2000

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli, Kennisis Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli 2023, Kennisis Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022, U-Links

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli 2023, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022, U-Links

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli, Redstone Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli 2023, Redstone Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022, U-Links

Samantha Cizikas, Amber Colibaba, Ulrike Fliesser, Natalie Fragomeni, Katelyn McKinnon, Jennifer Perrin, Denis Plese,, Innovations in Food Security

Samantha Cizikas, Amber Colibaba, Ulrike Fliesser, Natalie Fragomeni, Katelyn McKinnon, Jennifer Perrin, Denis Plese,, Innovations in Food Security, 2013

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Samantha Dunlop, Kawagama lake Calcium Decline Mitigation Cost Benefit Analysis

KL Ca decline mitigate compressed report - SamanthaDunlop 2020.pdf

Samantha Dunlop, Kawagama lake Calcium Decline Mitigation Cost Benefit Analysis, Trent University, 2020

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Samantha Dunlop, Biodiversity Planning and Protection in the Land Between

TLB CBR report - Samantha Dunlop.pdf

Samantha Dunlop, Biodiversity Planning and Protection in the Land Between, Trent University, 2021

The Land Between bioregion is considered the last intact wilderness of southern Ontario. The Land Between is home to unique communities of flora and…

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Sampson, Patrick, Rails-to-Trails, Bioregionalism, and the Haliburton Portion of the Victoria Rail Line

Sampson, Patrick, Rails-to-Trails, Bioregionalism, and the Haliburton Portion of the Victoria Rail Line, Trent University, 1994

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Sara C. Robinson, Commercial Scale Spalting of Logs

Sara C. Robinson, Commercial Scale Spalting of Logs, 2012

Sarah Bencic and Carling Macdonald, BLOOMING BERRY

Sarah Bencic and Carling Macdonald, BLOOMING BERRY
, 2017

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Sarah Cumming
Lindsay Dixon, Young Adult Retention and Engagement in Minden Hills

YA Retention and Engagement Report FINAL.pdf

Sarah Cumming
Lindsay Dixon, Young Adult Retention and Engagement in Minden Hills, Trent University, 2020

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Sarah Herron, Marginalized Youth and Repeat Offending in Haliburton County

Sarah Herron, Marginalized Youth and Repeat Offending in Haliburton County, 2012

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Sarah Moret, Supports for Eating Disorders in Rural Communities

Sarah Moret, Supports for Eating Disorders in Rural Communities
, June 2022

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