Browse Items (947 total)

Anna Dlugosz & Edward Merks, Club Moss Monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Properties

HHLT Club Moss Report.pdf

Anna Dlugosz & Edward Merks, Club Moss Monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Properties, Trent University, 2021

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various, Climate Change: Impacts on our Local Environment

various, Climate Change: Impacts on our Local Environment, Coburn, Carolynn, 1999

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April Blumberg and Alexander Salton
, Climate Change Opinion Survey Among Community Opinion Leaders in Haliburton County

April Blumberg and Alexander Salton
, Climate Change Opinion Survey Among Community Opinion Leaders in Haliburton County, 2018

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Olivia Sliwa, Timothy Calupig, Caroline Marais, Chanté White, Climate Change Health, Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessment Plan: Policy Scan

Olivia Sliwa, Timothy Calupig, Caroline Marais, Chanté White, Climate Change Health, Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessment Plan: Policy Scan, 2019

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Emily Stratford, Climate Change & Public Health: What is the role of primary health care?

Emily Stratford, Climate Change & Public Health: What is the role of primary health care?, 2019

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Gordon Edwards, Climate Change

Gordon Edwards, Climate Change

Burgess, Sarah; Bosnjak, Josip; Wright, Pamela; Villeneuve, Darren, Children's Water Festival Activity Review

Burgess, Sarah; Bosnjak, Josip; Wright, Pamela; Villeneuve, Darren, Children's Water Festival Activity Review, Trent University, 2008

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Haliburton, Kwartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, Child Poverty: A Problem We Cannot Afford

Haliburton, Kwartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit, Child Poverty: A Problem We Cannot Afford, 2008

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Tara Sackett, Changes to soil nutrients, fauna and plants in response to biochar additions (at Haliburton Forest)

Tara Sackett, Changes to soil nutrients, fauna and plants in response to biochar additions (at Haliburton Forest), 2012

Yan, Norman, and Trevor Pawson, Changes in the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake, Canada, following invasion by Bythotrephes cederstroemi

Yan, Norman, and Trevor Pawson, Changes in the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake, Canada, following invasion by Bythotrephes cederstroemi, U-Links, 1997

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Anderson, Melanie, Changes in support for adults with intellectual disabilities

Anderson, Melanie, Changes in support for adults with intellectual disabilities, Trent University, 2003

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Canadian National Archives, Census information for Stinson and Henderson families

Canadian National Archives, Census information for Stinson and Henderson families, Max, Ruth

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Reid, Holly, Celebrating the Women of Haliburton County

Reid, Holly, Celebrating the Women of Haliburton County, Trent University, 1993

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Natasha Akai, Amy Mathewson, Celebrating Cancer Recovery Together

Natasha Akai, Amy Mathewson, Celebrating Cancer Recovery Together, 2012

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various, CDY Journal: Community Youth Development

various, CDY Journal: Community Youth Development, U-Links, 2000

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Health for Life, Cast your vote for a healthier Haliburton County

Health for Life, Cast your vote for a healthier Haliburton County, U-Links, 2003

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HKPR Health Unit, Caring for Our Children: Social Determinants of Health and the Well-Being of Young Children in the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District

HKPR Health Unit, Caring for Our Children: Social Determinants of Health and the Well-Being of Young Children in the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District, Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team, HKPR Health Unit, 2003

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Peter Naylor, Car Share Tool Kit

Peter Naylor, Car Share Tool Kit, 2012

A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up a Car Share Initiative in Haliburton County

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Glover, Jennifer, Capturing a Piece of Paradise: Lot Subdividion and the Transition of Land Use of Canning Lake

Glover, Jennifer, Capturing a Piece of Paradise: Lot Subdividion and the Transition of Land Use of Canning Lake, Trent University, 2006-2007

This report investgates the history of several lots on Canning Lake and provides some analysis on the implications of the changes, in terms of land…

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Brown, Andrea, Canoeing & Portaging in the Haliburton Highlands: Legal and Historical Perspectives

Brown, Andrea, Canoeing & Portaging in the Haliburton Highlands: Legal and Historical Perspectives, U-Links, 2002

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Loucks, Orie and Barbara Godberson, Canning Lake as seen by five generations of the Loucks Family: a family reunion report

Loucks, Orie and Barbara Godberson, Canning Lake as seen by five generations of the Loucks Family: a family reunion report, 2003

Stephenson, Natalie, Canadian Health Care and Life in the Haliburton Bioregion

Stephenson, Natalie, Canadian Health Care and Life in the Haliburton Bioregion, Trent University, 2001

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Katelyn Allen, Justin Souch, Rebecca Attwood, Camping in Minden Hills - Is it Feasible?

Katelyn Allen, Justin Souch, Rebecca Attwood, Camping in Minden Hills - Is it Feasible?, Trent University, 2011

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Fleming College Graduate Program, Sustainable Waste Management :

Jaspreet Kaur, Kirandeep Kaur, Pooja Lally, Hetal Solanki, Spencer Yeo, Charlotte Banks, Josh Handley, Harpreet Kaur, Sandeep Kaur, Ramandeep Kaur, Shawn Emmett, Erin Mellor, Mary Katherine Glen, Amandeep Jawandha, Rupinder Kaur, Merin Sara John, Kirandeep Dhaliwal, Sumandeep Kaur, & Kamanpreet Kaur
, Calculating the Impact of the SIRCH Thrift Warehouse Haliburton

Fleming College Graduate Program, Sustainable Waste Management :

Jaspreet Kaur, Kirandeep Kaur, Pooja Lally, Hetal Solanki, Spencer Yeo, Charlotte Banks, Josh Handley, Harpreet Kaur, Sandeep Kaur, Ramandeep Kaur, Shawn Emmett, Erin Mellor, Mary Katherine Glen, Amandeep Jawandha, Rupinder Kaur, Merin Sara John, Kirandeep Dhaliwal, Sumandeep Kaur, & Kamanpreet Kaur
, Calculating the Impact of the SIRCH Thrift Warehouse Haliburton, 2020

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Roshelle Chan, Marissa Pucci, Ankit Tripathi, Calcium Decline, Impacts and Potential Mitigation Efforts in Kawagama Lake

Roshelle Chan, Marissa Pucci, Ankit Tripathi, Calcium Decline, Impacts and Potential Mitigation Efforts in Kawagama Lake, 2019

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Unknown, Calcium concentrations for lakes sampled as part of the Lake Partner Program for years 2008-12

Unknown, Calcium concentrations for lakes sampled as part of the Lake Partner Program for years 2008-12, 2008-2012

Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team, Business & Operational Plan: February 2006-March 2010

Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team, Business & Operational Plan: February 2006-March 2010, Haliubrton Highlands Family Health Planning Team, HKPR Health Unit, 2006

Foster, Erin, Bus Tour Assignment

Foster, Erin, Bus Tour Assignment, U-Links, 2003

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King, Andrea, Building Partnerships Between Schools and Communities: a Look at Haliburton County

King, Andrea, Building Partnerships Between Schools and Communities: a Look at Haliburton County, Trent University, 1999

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Vander Klok, Jordan, Building Green in Haliburton County: Perceptions of Sustainable Housing

Vander Klok, Jordan, Building Green in Haliburton County: Perceptions of Sustainable Housing, Trent University, 2008

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