Browse Items (947 total)

Edwards, Erin; Murc, Kim; White, Justin, Building Connections: Wetlands Boardwalk for Minden-Hills Township

Edwards, Erin; Murc, Kim; White, Justin, Building Connections: Wetlands Boardwalk for Minden-Hills Township, Trent University, 2008

Examines the development of a wetlands boardwalk linking the River Walk Trail to Minden walking trail system. Discusses economic, ecological and…

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Haliburton County Development Corporation, Building Community Capacity Using GIS

Haliburton County Development Corporation, Building Community Capacity Using GIS, U-Links, 2003

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Early Intervention Network of Haliuburton County, Building Better Outcomes for Children in Haliburton County

Early Intervention Network of Haliuburton County, Building Better Outcomes for Children in Haliburton County, 2006

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Steering Committee, Building a Healthy Community for the Future: Haliburton County Community Directional Plan

Steering Committee, Building a Healthy Community for the Future: Haliburton County Community Directional Plan, Coburn, Carolynn, 1991

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various, Bruce Trail Comprehensive Plan

various, Bruce Trail Comprehensive Plan, 1991

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Bruce County Study Committee, Bruce County Study Committee Final Report

Bruce County Study Committee, Bruce County Study Committee Final Report, Coburn, Carolynn, 1991

Emily Amon, Stephen Hill, Jim Blake, and Marie Gage, BROKERING COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH
Evaluating the Impacts of U-Links Centre
for Community-Based Research on a Rural
Canadian County


Emily Amon, Stephen Hill, Jim Blake, and Marie Gage, BROKERING COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH
Evaluating the Impacts of U-Links Centre
for Community-Based Research on a Rural
Canadian County
, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning,
Volume 26, Issue 1, Winter 2020, 2020

McCormick, Shirley, Bringing out the environmentalist in us

McCormick, Shirley, Bringing out the environmentalist in us, U-Links, 2003

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Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties

Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties, Robertson, Gena, 2000

Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties

Jung, Rosemarie, Bright Stars for Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Counties, Robertson, Gena, 2000

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Haliburton Highlands Writers' and Editors' Network, Brezina speaks at breakfast: Haliburton Highlands Writers' and Editors' Network meeting

Haliburton Highlands Writers' and Editors' Network, Brezina speaks at breakfast: Haliburton Highlands Writers' and Editors' Network meeting, U-Links, 2003

Ministry of Natural Resources, Bracebridge District Fisheries Management Plan: 1986-2000

Ministry of Natural Resources, Bracebridge District Fisheries Management Plan: 1986-2000, Coburn, Carolynn, ca1985

Benjamin Schlosser, Bob Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment - 2023

Benjamin Schlosser, Bob Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment - 2023, Trent University, April 2023

Julie Prentice, Carrie McDonald, Avery Scott, Bob Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022

Julie Prentice, Carrie McDonald, Avery Scott 2023, Bob Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022, Trent University

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Angelo Pilolla, Brittany Latimer, Vedant Paresh Badheka, Andrew Bunn, Blue-Green Algae Mitigation Strategies

BGA Final Report.pdf

Angelo Pilolla, Brittany Latimer, Vedant Paresh Badheka, Andrew Bunn, Blue-Green Algae Mitigation Strategies, Trent University, 2021

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Tera Boisclair, Noah Opper, Ness Pringle, Jacob Findlay, William Skye Vasey, Blue Skies Bioblitz Plan

Tera Boisclair, Noah Opper, Ness Pringle, Jacob Findlay, William Skye Vasey April, 2023, Blue Skies Bioblitz Plan, Trent University

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Abigail Lam, Blowflies Taxa in Forest Regions

Abigail Lam 2023, Blowflies Taxa in Forest Regions, Trent University

Sarah Bencic and Carling Macdonald, BLOOMING BERRY

Sarah Bencic and Carling Macdonald, BLOOMING BERRY
, 2017

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Noah Korne, Bird community structure, abundance, and diversity at a property in Haliburton, Ontario.

Noah Korne, Bird community structure, abundance, and diversity at a property in Haliburton, Ontario., 2018

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Carrie Swail, Bioregionalism needs Food and Food needs Bioregionalism

Carrie Swail, Bioregionalism needs Food and Food needs Bioregionalism, 2001

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various, Bioregionalism Atlas Project

various, Bioregionalism Atlas Project, Carolynn Coburn, 1996

Harvey, Geordon, Bioregionalism and Geographic Information Systems: Using Focus Groups and Mental Maps to Design GIS Database, and determine boundaries for Haliburton

Harvey, Geordon, Bioregionalism and Geographic Information Systems: Using Focus Groups and Mental Maps to Design GIS Database, and determine boundaries for Haliburton, Trent University, n.d.

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Julian, Maggie, Bioregional Education in Action: Lessons of the Donald Chemical Plant

Julian, Maggie, Bioregional Education in Action: Lessons of the Donald Chemical Plant, Trent University, 1997

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Ward, Heidi, Bioregional Economics: the Informal Economy, with a Case Study of the Local Exchange and Trading System

Ward, Heidi, Bioregional Economics: the Informal Economy, with a Case Study of the Local Exchange and Trading System, Trent University, 1994

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Jason Shabaga MSc., Biomass harvesting and the spatial distribution of soil nutrent and carbon pools in Great Lakes St. Lawrence forests

Jason Shabaga MSc., Biomass harvesting and the spatial distribution of soil nutrent and carbon pools in Great Lakes St. Lawrence forests, 2012

Marcus Rice, Ajay Venkat, Lucas Young, Jack Moreau, Mac Marzolini, Beth Bekele, Biological Productivity and Sustainability of Apex Predator Fish Species in Horseshoe Lake: Final Report

Marcus Rice, Ajay Venkat, Lucas Young, Jack Moreau, Mac Marzolini, Beth Bekele, Biological Productivity and Sustainability of Apex Predator Fish Species in Horseshoe Lake: Final Report, 2018

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Samantha Dunlop, Biodiversity Planning and Protection in the Land Between

TLB CBR report - Samantha Dunlop.pdf

Samantha Dunlop, Biodiversity Planning and Protection in the Land Between, Trent University, 2021

The Land Between bioregion is considered the last intact wilderness of southern Ontario. The Land Between is home to unique communities of flora and…

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Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada. Summary.

Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada. Summary., 1994

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Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada

Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada, 1994

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Aaron Belanger, Sara Burns, Trisha Desroches, Nico Ossa, Clare Taylor, and Aliyah Uyenka, Big Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment

Aaron Belanger, Sara Burns, Trisha Desroches, Nico Ossa, Clare Taylor, and Aliyah Uyenka, Big Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment, Trent University, December 2023

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