Browse Items (947 total)

various, Water Quality of South Lake - Lake Study Reports

various, Water Quality of South Lake - Lake Study Reports

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various, When We Were Young: Haliburton County Seniors Share Their Childhood Memories

various, When We Were Young: Haliburton County Seniors Share Their Childhood Memories, 2008

Veenstra, G., Income Inequality and Health: coastal communities in British Columbia

Veenstra, G., Income Inequality and Health: coastal communities in British Columbia, 2002

Veronica Turnbull, Methods for the Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Drag and Spruce Lakes

EWM Research Report - Final Copy.pdf

Veronica Turnbull, Methods for the Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Drag and Spruce Lakes, Trent University, 2021

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Victoria/Haliburton Social Serives Alliance, L.E.A.P- Learning, Earning and Parenting Implementation Plan

Victoria/Haliburton Social Serives Alliance, L.E.A.P- Learning, Earning and Parenting Implementation Plan, Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

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Victoria/Haliburton Social Services, Draft 1999 Alliance Budget and Background Material

Victoria/Haliburton Social Services, Draft 1999 Alliance Budget and Background Material, Anthon, Jeanne, 1998

Wace & Associates, County of Haliburton Organization Review: Final

Wace & Associates, County of Haliburton Organization Review: Final, 1993

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Wade, Jill, Music in Haliburton: Sounding through the Community

Wade, Jill, Music in Haliburton: Sounding through the Community, Trent University, n.d.

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Wadland, John, Alan Blizzard Award

Wadland, John, Alan Blizzard Award, U-Links, 2002

Wangmo, Tandin; Smith, Devon; Baker, Scott; McBride, Mary; Adugbo, Cromwell; Norris, Holly, Uranium Mining in Haliburton, A Look at the Current Status, Indicators and a Public Health Guide

Wangmo, Tandin; Smith, Devon; Baker, Scott; McBride, Mary; Adugbo, Cromwell; Norris, Holly, Uranium Mining in Haliburton, A Look at the Current Status, Indicators and a Public Health Guide, Trent University, 2010

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Ward, Heidi, Bioregional Economics: the Informal Economy, with a Case Study of the Local Exchange and Trading System

Ward, Heidi, Bioregional Economics: the Informal Economy, with a Case Study of the Local Exchange and Trading System, Trent University, 1994

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Wasserlauf, Natalie, Remembering the landscape: an exploration of trees, settlement, folklore and economy in the nineteenth century

Wasserlauf, Natalie, Remembering the landscape: an exploration of trees, settlement, folklore and economy in the nineteenth century, Trent University, 2000

Described by the author as a mixture of environmental history, personal philosophy, resource economy and cultural studies, this paper is a report on…

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Watson, Sue, Agriculture in Haliburton County: A Bioregional Perspective

Watson, Sue, Agriculture in Haliburton County: A Bioregional Perspective, Trent University, 1990

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Wayland, Brigitte, A kick at the can: low-flow toilets

Wayland, Brigitte, A kick at the can: low-flow toilets, U-Links, 2003

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Wesley Ford, Apple Tree Cost Benefit Analysis

Wesley Ford, Apple Tree Cost Benefit Analysis, Trent University, December 2023

This report explores the costs and revenue sources associated with the cultivation of apple trees found within Haliburton County.

Whidden, Elinor, Discovering the (Hi)Story of Haliburton through its Lakes' Names

Whidden, Elinor, Discovering the (Hi)Story of Haliburton through its Lakes' Names, Trent University, 1998

This research paper discusses the history of Haliburton County by examining the names of lakes in the region. Looking at "what is in" the names (past…

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Wilkes, Jessica, Exploring Gooderham's Settlement History for Preservation and Education

Wilkes, Jessica, Exploring Gooderham's Settlement History for Preservation and Education, Trent University, 2002

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Wilkins, Taylor, Haliburton by Rail and the I.B. & O.

Wilkins, Taylor, Haliburton by Rail and the I.B. & O., U-Links, 1992

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Willet, Mindy, Historical Perceptions of the Gull River

Willet, Mindy, Historical Perceptions of the Gull River, Trent University, 1992

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William Dobbin & Zack Weaver, Sustainable Procurement in City of Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton County


William Dobbin & Zack Weaver, Sustainable Procurement in City of Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton County, Trent University, 2021

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Wilson, Claire, The Algonquin Golden Lake First Nation Land Claim

Wilson, Claire, The Algonquin Golden Lake First Nation Land Claim, Trent University, 1995

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Wilson, J. Scott, Working for the Community: Religious Congregations in the Haliburton Highlands

Wilson, J. Scott, Working for the Community: Religious Congregations in the Haliburton Highlands, Trent University, 1995

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Wilson, Miranda; Venton, Victoria, Cultural Mapping In Minden Hills

Wilson, Miranda; Venton, Victoria, Cultural Mapping In Minden Hills, Trent University, 2010

The project researches tangible cultural sites and intangible cultural resources to provide cultural and historical foundations that if expanded upon…

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Wilson, Susan, Explore Haliburton

Wilson, Susan, Explore Haliburton, U-Links, 1997

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Winder, Darryl / Polischuk, Brad / Latime, Karen / Welner, Donna, Sir Sam's Environmental Assessment Report

Winder, Darryl / Polischuk, Brad / Latime, Karen / Welner, Donna, Sir Sam's Environmental Assessment Report, 1996

Winter, Dillon, Paterson, Reid, and Somers., Impacts of golf course construction and operation on headwater streams: bioassessment using benthic algae

Winter, Dillon, Paterson, Reid, and Somers., Impacts of golf course construction and operation on headwater streams: bioassessment using benthic algae, U-Links, 2003

Winter, Somers, Dillon, Paterson, and Reid, Impacts of Golf Courses on Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in Precambrian Shield Streams

Winter, Somers, Dillon, Paterson, and Reid, Impacts of Golf Courses on Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in Precambrian Shield Streams, U-Links, 2002

Wolanski, Karen, Integrating community planning piece by piece: Haliburton County's strategic planning process

Wolanski, Karen, Integrating community planning piece by piece: Haliburton County's strategic planning process, U-Links, 1999

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Wolfe, Ben, Notes Toward and Environmental History of Haliburton: The Pine Logging Period, 1852-1884

Wolfe, Ben, Notes Toward and Environmental History of Haliburton: The Pine Logging Period, 1852-1884, Trent University, 1990

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Wolfe, David, Prevention of Violence Among At-Risk Adolescents

Wolfe, David, Prevention of Violence Among At-Risk Adolescents, U-Links

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