Browse Items (947 total)

Moran, Ambrose, Planning Reform in Ontario from Green to Gray

Moran, Ambrose, Planning Reform in Ontario from Green to Gray, Trent University, 1996

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Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Planning Reform

Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Planning Reform, 2004

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Andree, Peter, Planning for Sustainability in the Haliburton Bioregions: Towards Incorporating Local Interests in Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development into Ontario Land-Use Legislation Reforms

Andree, Peter, Planning for Sustainability in the Haliburton Bioregions: Towards Incorporating Local Interests in Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development into Ontario Land-Use Legislation Reforms, Trent University, 1992

Presents the prelimary proposals of the Commission on Development Planning and Reform in Ontario regarding cottage country issues and the feedback…

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Brenneman, Becky, Planning for Palliative Care Supports in Haliburton County

Brenneman, Becky, Planning for Palliative Care Supports in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2002

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Rachel Harris, Planning for Housing in Haliburton County

Rachel Harris, Planning for Housing in Haliburton County, 2012

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Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Ltd., Planning Appraisal for the Provisional County of Haliburton

Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Ltd., Planning Appraisal for the Provisional County of Haliburton, Anthon, Jeanne, 1972

Diana Myre, Planet Haliburton Radio Show Research Assistance

ERSC4830 Final Report and Executive Summary.pdf

Diana Myre, Planet Haliburton Radio Show Research Assistance, Trent University, 2021

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SIRCH Consulting, Pilot Study Report "School's Cool: Early Steps"

SIRCH Consulting, Pilot Study Report "School's Cool: Early Steps", Robertson, Gena, 2000

Haliburton Echo, Pic of the Past Photos

Haliburton Echo, Pic of the Past Photos, 1974 to present

Photocopy of Alexander Nivens' Insurance Book

Photocopy of Alexander Nivens' Insurance Book

Lashbrook, Ross, Phosphates and Automatic Dishwashing Detergents

Lashbrook, Ross, Phosphates and Automatic Dishwashing Detergents, Trent University, 2001

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Frederic Chislett, Peterborough's Urban Fabric: Aesthetics and Perceptions of Space and Place

Frederic Chislett, Peterborough's Urban Fabric: Aesthetics and Perceptions of Space and Place, U-Links, 1996

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Laventhol and Horwath Management Consultants, Peterborough-Haliburton: Tourism Development Strategy, Vol. 1

Laventhol and Horwath Management Consultants, Peterborough-Haliburton: Tourism Development Strategy, Vol. 1, 1981

Jenna Kentel, Permanent Sample Plots for Vegetative Monitoring in Dahl Forest -Final Report 2017-2018

Jenna Kentel, Permanent Sample Plots for Vegetative Monitoring in Dahl Forest -Final Report 2017-2018, 2018

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Perma-Frost Committee, Perma-Frost papers

Perma-Frost Committee, Perma-Frost papers, Perma-Frost, 2004

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Michelle Simone, Partners in the Community: The Legacy of Windy Pine 1941-2001

Michelle Simone, Partners in the Community: The Legacy of Windy Pine 1941-2001, U-Links, 2001

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C. Brady, Ox Narrows Official Lake Trout Spawning Bed

C. Brady, Ox Narrows Official Lake Trout Spawning Bed, 1980

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Workman, Cheryl, Over a Century of Hospitality: the Settlement History of Willow Beach Cottages

Workman, Cheryl, Over a Century of Hospitality: the Settlement History of Willow Beach Cottages, Trent University, 2003

This paper follows a small plot of land in the Haliburton Highlands from its use as a camping site for Algonquin Indians in the years prior to 1850,…

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Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows: A Strategic Plan for the Township of Snowdon

Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows: A Strategic Plan for the Township of Snowdon, Anthon, Jeanne, 1992

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Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows Part II: An Economic Development Strategy for the Township of Snowdon

Hills, Ernest A., Out of the Shadows Part II: An Economic Development Strategy for the Township of Snowdon, Anthon, Jeanne, 1992

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Orange lodge Information

Orange lodge Information

Caitlin Perry, Options for Composting at Abbey Gardens - An analysis of backyard composting systems and project plan for a compost

Caitlin Perry, Options for Composting at Abbey Gardens - An analysis of backyard composting systems and project plan for a compost, 2013

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Emily Stratford, Optimizing Spent Brewer’s Grain as an Effective Soil Amendment

Emily Stratford, Optimizing Spent Brewer’s Grain as an Effective Soil Amendment, 2019

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Murphy, Ashley, Opportunities for youth to apprentice in the trades

Murphy, Ashley, Opportunities for youth to apprentice in the trades, Trent University, 2004

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Task Force on the Environmental Bill of Rights, Ontario's Proposed Environmental Bill of Rights

Task Force on the Environmental Bill of Rights, Ontario's Proposed Environmental Bill of Rights, 1992

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Ontario Shoreline Management Advisory Council, Ontario Shoreline Management Council: Annual Report

Ontario Shoreline Management Advisory Council, Ontario Shoreline Management Council: Annual Report, 1987-1988

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Ontario Provincial Police: Municipal Policing Section, Ontario Provincial Police Presentation to the County of Haliburton

Ontario Provincial Police: Municipal Policing Section, Ontario Provincial Police Presentation to the County of Haliburton, Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ontario Municipal Board: A Citizen's Guide

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ontario Municipal Board: A Citizen's Guide, 1985

Gourlie, Sarah, Ontario Early Years Centre

Stefanie Fraser and Kate Brillinger, Off-Road Network: Market Survey

Stefanie Fraser and Kate Brillinger, Off-Road Network: Market Survey, 2012

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