Browse Items (947 total)

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli, Kennisis Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022

Sadie Fischer, Frank Figuli 2023, Kennisis Lake Benthic Macroinvertabrate Assessment - 2022, U-Links

Brendan Martin, Kennisis Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019

Kennis Lake 2019 Report (1).pdf

Brendan Martin, Kennisis Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019, U-Links, 2020

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Breton-Honeyman, Kaitlin, Kennisis Lake Community Environmental Monitoring Program

Breton-Honeyman, Kaitlin, Kennisis Lake Community Environmental Monitoring Program, Trent University, 2006

This report outlines potential, existing community-monitoring programs and includes suggested next steps fo the Kennisis Lake Cottage Owners'…

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Benjamin Hall, Kennisis Lake Settlement Essay

Kennisis Lake Settlement Essay Final 04APR2021.pdf

Benjamin Hall, Kennisis Lake Settlement Essay, Trent University, 2021

An essay on the initial settlements in the region of Kennisis Lake from first nations to the modern day.

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Amy Tenbult, Kennisis Lake Shoreline Inventory Project - Phase 2

Amy Tenbult, Kennisis Lake Shoreline Inventory Project - Phase 2, 2012

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Copeland, Todd; MacIsaac, Christie; Vankoughnett, Mathew, Kennisis Lake: Natural shoreline plan

Copeland, Todd; MacIsaac, Christie; Vankoughnett, Mathew, Kennisis Lake: Natural shoreline plan, Trent University, 2007

The purpose of the report is to look at different types of promotional undertakings that promote natural shorelines. The information gathered from…

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Jonathan Miller, Steven Adelson, Hope VanDersluis, and Claire Arsenault, Kennisis Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Inventory

Jonathan Miller, Steven Adelson, Hope VanDersluis, and Claire Arsenault, Kennisis Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species Inventory, Trent University, April 2023

Fay & Associates, Key to Women's Health

Fay & Associates, Key to Women's Health, 2006

Skye Vasey, Koshlong Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022

Victoria/Haliburton Social Serives Alliance, L.E.A.P- Learning, Earning and Parenting Implementation Plan

Victoria/Haliburton Social Serives Alliance, L.E.A.P- Learning, Earning and Parenting Implementation Plan, Anthon, Jeanne, 2000

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Rob Conohan, Lake capacity study of Little Cameron Lake

Rob Conohan, Lake capacity study of Little Cameron Lake

Lake Planning Forum materials

Lake Planning Forum materials, 2005

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Casselman, John M., Lake Trout Biology and Productivity: Haliburton Gold

Casselman, John M., Lake Trout Biology and Productivity: Haliburton Gold, U-Links, 1999

Bibby, Mike / Edwards, Danielle / Ferguson, Dave / Jaafar, Sonia / Sloat, Cathy, Lakefront Cottage Bed and Breakfast

Bibby, Mike / Edwards, Danielle / Ferguson, Dave / Jaafar, Sonia / Sloat, Cathy, Lakefront Cottage Bed and Breakfast, 1997

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Lakeshore Capacity Study

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Lakeshore Capacity Study, Coburn, Carolynn, 1986

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Richard Doherty, Lakeshore Capacity Study: Township of Stanhope

Richard Doherty, Lakeshore Capacity Study: Township of Stanhope, County of, 1987

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various, Land Ambulance Reviews and Reports

various, Land Ambulance Reviews and Reports, U-Links, 1999

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Bremner, Trevor, Land development in a rural community

Bremner, Trevor, Land development in a rural community, Trent University, 2004

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Moran, Ambrose, Land Ethics and Development of Ontario Lakes

Moran, Ambrose, Land Ethics and Development of Ontario Lakes, Trent University, 1995

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Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Land Severance: A Municipal Guide

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Land Severance: A Municipal Guide, 1985

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Romberg, Bob, Landfill diversion issues: report to Council

Romberg, Bob, Landfill diversion issues: report to Council, U-Links, 2004

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Township of Minden Hills, Landfill Sites: Operating Policies and Procedures (Draft)

Township of Minden Hills, Landfill Sites: Operating Policies and Procedures (Draft), U-Links

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Script by Michael Fay;, Last of the Great White Pine

Script by Michael Fay;, Last of the Great White Pine, 2007

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Dombrowski, Conrad, Learning About Health: Alternative Health Care in Haliburton County

Dombrowski, Conrad, Learning About Health: Alternative Health Care in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2000

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Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Leslie M. Frost Natural Resources Centre: Where Learning Comes Naturally

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Leslie M. Frost Natural Resources Centre: Where Learning Comes Naturally, U-Links, 2003

Life of a Lumberman

Life of a Lumberman

Dales, Ruth J., Lineal History of Families Descended From Francis Henderson, North Ireland and Jeremiah Phillips, England

Dales, Ruth J., Lineal History of Families Descended From Francis Henderson, North Ireland and Jeremiah Phillips, England, Max, Ruth, 1986

SIRCH Consulting, Literacy Needs Assessment Report

SIRCH Consulting, Literacy Needs Assessment Report, Short, Karen Rae, 1999

Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment

Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment, Trent University, December 2023

Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment 2023

Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment 2023, Trent University, December 1st, 2023

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