Browse Items (947 total)

Glenside Ecological Services Ltd., County of Haliburton Headwater Metadata

Glenside Ecological Services Ltd., County of Haliburton Headwater Metadata, King, Gary, 2002

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Giltenan, Tom, Establishing and Maintaining a Successful Municipal Heritage Committee in Minden Hillls

Giltenan, Tom, Establishing and Maintaining a Successful Municipal Heritage Committee in Minden Hillls, Trent University, 2008

This project is focused on the potential for creating a mechanism for reviewing and advocating for heritage buildings in rural communities. It aims to…

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Gilbert, Emma; Taylor, Lindsay; Tominaga, Koji, Protection of public acces to trails

Gilbert, Emma; Taylor, Lindsay; Tominaga, Koji, Protection of public acces to trails, Trent University, 2005

Paper discusses how to inventory a portage trail and maintain it; the ecological effects of motorized vehicles on portage routes; recommendations on…

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Gibson, Anna, Haliburton Highlands Atlas Project: Practising Bioregionalism

Gibson, Anna, Haliburton Highlands Atlas Project: Practising Bioregionalism, Trent University, 1995

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Gibson, Anna, Environmental Youth Corps 1994: Haliburton Highlands Bioregional Atlas Report

Gibson, Anna, Environmental Youth Corps 1994: Haliburton Highlands Bioregional Atlas Report, Trent University, 1994

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Gervais, Torie and Asha Rao, Haliburton Sugar Makers

Gervais, Torie and Asha Rao, Haliburton Sugar Makers, Trent University, 1998

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George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands. A Natural Work of Art

George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands. A Natural Work of Art, U-Links, 2004

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George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands - A Natural Work of Art

George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands - A Natural Work of Art, 2004

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Gaudette, Jennifer, A Review of the Haliburton Highlands Stewardship Council

Gaudette, Jennifer, A Review of the Haliburton Highlands Stewardship Council, Trent University, 1999

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Gary Bull, Bull & Associates, Socio-Economic Profile of the Major Primary and Service Industries in Haliburton County

Gary Bull, Bull & Associates, Socio-Economic Profile of the Major Primary and Service Industries in Haliburton County, 1994

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Gartner Lee Associates Ltd., Resource Appraisal Study: Volume I & II

Gartner Lee Associates Ltd., Resource Appraisal Study: Volume I & II, Coburn, Carolynn, 1970

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Garrah, Katie, Communication and Community Engagement - Theory and application within a cottage association for the purpose of developing and implementing lake plans and other community based stewardship initiatives

Garrah, Katie, Communication and Community Engagement - Theory and application within a cottage association for the purpose of developing and implementing lake plans and other community based stewardship initiatives, Trent University, 2007

Building on previous research (TP-557), this project identifies a method for further consultation with the lake community. The report focuses on…

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Garrah, Kate, Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents

Garrah, Kate, Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents, Trent University, 2007

This project aims to understand what motivates people to act on their values.This will provide direction for the implementation of the lake plan in…

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G.D. Puttock Silv-econ Ltd., Economic Analysis of Supply and Demand for Roundwood in Southern Ontario

G.D. Puttock Silv-econ Ltd., Economic Analysis of Supply and Demand for Roundwood in Southern Ontario, Coburn, Carolynn, 1990

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Frost Centre, Environmental Education Programs

Frost Centre, Environmental Education Programs

Friends of Minden Hills, Minden Riverwalk: the concept

Friends of Minden Hills, Minden Riverwalk: the concept, Anthon, Jeanne

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Freeland, Travis, Spaces, Places, and Meaningful Experience: The Trent Temagami Weekend

Freeland, Travis, Spaces, Places, and Meaningful Experience: The Trent Temagami Weekend, Trent University, 2009

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Frederic Chislett, Peterborough's Urban Fabric: Aesthetics and Perceptions of Space and Place

Frederic Chislett, Peterborough's Urban Fabric: Aesthetics and Perceptions of Space and Place, U-Links, 1996

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Fred W. Gregory, A Year In The Life of A. W. "Pop" Moore 1906

Fred W. Gregory, A Year In The Life of A. W. "Pop" Moore 1906, 2009

Fraser, Michael, Haliburton County: the Water that Flows Through It

Fraser, Michael, Haliburton County: the Water that Flows Through It, Trent University, 1994

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Fouts, Christopher, 1994 Mineral Development Report: Bancroft and District Chamber of Commerce

Fouts, Christopher, 1994 Mineral Development Report: Bancroft and District Chamber of Commerce, U-Links, 1995

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Foster, Erin, Bus Tour Assignment

Foster, Erin, Bus Tour Assignment, U-Links, 2003

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Forrest, Diane, The Other old-growth industry

Forrest, Diane, The Other old-growth industry, U-Links, 2002

Foremost Consulting Services, Community-Based Education Program: Evaluation Report

Foremost Consulting Services, Community-Based Education Program: Evaluation Report, U-Links, 2002

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Food Banks Canada, Hunger Counts

Food Banks Canada, Hunger Counts, 2008

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Fletcher, Amanda; Hunt, Bethany, Age-Friendly in Haliburton County

Age-Friendly Haliburton County.pdf

Fletcher, Amanda; Hunt, Bethany, Age-Friendly in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2010

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Fleming Data Research, Haliburton County 2000 Research Study: Strategic Planning for the Future

Fleming Data Research, Haliburton County 2000 Research Study: Strategic Planning for the Future, Coburn, Carolynn, 2000

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Fleming College’s Sustainable Waste Management Program, Plastic Waste & Litter Reduction: Municipality of Dysart et al

Fleming College’s Sustainable Waste Management Program, Plastic Waste & Litter Reduction: Municipality of Dysart et al, 2020

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Fleming College Sustainability Waste Management Program, Municipality of Dysart et al Plastic Reduction Challenge

Fleming College Sustainability Waste Management Program, Municipality of Dysart et al Plastic Reduction Challenge, 2019

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Fleming College Graduate Program, Sustainable Waste Management :

Jaspreet Kaur, Kirandeep Kaur, Pooja Lally, Hetal Solanki, Spencer Yeo, Charlotte Banks, Josh Handley, Harpreet Kaur, Sandeep Kaur, Ramandeep Kaur, Shawn Emmett, Erin Mellor, Mary Katherine Glen, Amandeep Jawandha, Rupinder Kaur, Merin Sara John, Kirandeep Dhaliwal, Sumandeep Kaur, & Kamanpreet Kaur
, Calculating the Impact of the SIRCH Thrift Warehouse Haliburton

Fleming College Graduate Program, Sustainable Waste Management :

Jaspreet Kaur, Kirandeep Kaur, Pooja Lally, Hetal Solanki, Spencer Yeo, Charlotte Banks, Josh Handley, Harpreet Kaur, Sandeep Kaur, Ramandeep Kaur, Shawn Emmett, Erin Mellor, Mary Katherine Glen, Amandeep Jawandha, Rupinder Kaur, Merin Sara John, Kirandeep Dhaliwal, Sumandeep Kaur, & Kamanpreet Kaur
, Calculating the Impact of the SIRCH Thrift Warehouse Haliburton, 2020

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