Protection of public acces to trails


Protection of public acces to trails


Gilbert, Emma; Taylor, Lindsay; Tominaga, Koji

Host Organization

Haliburton Highlands Trails and Tours Network
Host contact: Coleman, Mark

Supervising Faculty

Whillans, Tom
Department: Environmental and Resource Science/Studies

Reference Number




Location of Document

U-Links Office and online


Haliburton County


Portage trail maintenance and protection


Paper discusses how to inventory a portage trail and maintain it; the ecological effects of motorized vehicles on portage routes; recommendations on how to mitigate this impact; legislative and political alternatives regarding public acess to private land.


The first part of this paper looks at how to inventory a portage trail. It takes in account many of the necessary elements to document when setting up an inventory of trails. It has also has several examples of possible checklist and inventory tables. As well, this report lists different types of trail maintenance required to make a portage trail safe and usable. Finally, it offers recommendations in the form of flow chart ideas to start an inventory and a possible inventory checklist.

The second section looks at the ecological effects of motorized vehicles on portage routes. It looks at impacts snowmobiles and all terrain Vehicles (ATV) have had on the land, water, and wildlife. Some areas of focus include erosion, sedimentation and compaction. This paper offers recommendations on how user groups can work together to try and mitigate the impact of motorized use on portage trails.

The third part of the paper will analyze the possible legislative and political alternatives for issues related to public access to private land. This part will examine the current legal structure in Ontario related to public access to private and two alternatives (one from Sweden and one from both Yukon and Alberta). This part also will discuss the potential of study in recreational activities in light of the issue.


Trent University



Gilbert, Emma; Taylor, Lindsay; Tominaga, Koji, Protection of public acces to trails, Trent University, 2005