Browse Items (947 total)



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Tyler Scuralli & Zachery Mielhausen, Smith Forest Permanent Sample Plot Establishment & Forest Health Data Final Report 2017-2018

Tyler Scuralli & Zachery Mielhausen, Smith Forest Permanent Sample Plot Establishment & Forest Health Data Final Report 2017-2018, 2018

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Jenna Kentel, Permanent Sample Plots for Vegetative Monitoring in Dahl Forest -Final Report 2017-2018

Jenna Kentel, Permanent Sample Plots for Vegetative Monitoring in Dahl Forest -Final Report 2017-2018, 2018

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Edward Kellaway, Dahl Forest Sugar Maple PSPs Report

Edward Kellaway, Dahl Forest Sugar Maple PSPs Report, 2018

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Noah Korne, Bird community structure, abundance, and diversity at a property in Haliburton, Ontario.

Noah Korne, Bird community structure, abundance, and diversity at a property in Haliburton, Ontario., 2018

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Breanna Webber
Viyanka Suthaskaran, The Mapping and Analysis of Transportation Needs in Haliburton County Analytical Report

Breanna Webber
Viyanka Suthaskaran, The Mapping and Analysis of Transportation Needs in Haliburton County Analytical Report, 2018

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Chantal Ubbels
Kassandra Merks
Sunaina Aiyer, Interactive Learning Activities for the Water Heroes Website

Chantal Ubbels
Kassandra Merks
Sunaina Aiyer, Interactive Learning Activities for the Water Heroes Website, 2018

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Liam Cole, Gerrit Kremers, Leah Martin, & Victoria Saizew, Developing Sustainable Agri-Tourism: Native Shoreline Grasses, Sedges, and Forbs

Liam Cole, Gerrit Kremers, Leah Martin, & Victoria Saizew, Developing Sustainable Agri-Tourism: Native Shoreline Grasses, Sedges, and Forbs, 2018

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Rhys Bauer, Katherine Volpe, Dead Trees Standing: A Landowners’ Guide to Beech Bark Disease

Rhys Bauer, Katherine Volpe, Dead Trees Standing: A Landowners’ Guide to Beech Bark Disease, 2017

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Sarah Bencic and Carling Macdonald, BLOOMING BERRY

Sarah Bencic and Carling Macdonald, BLOOMING BERRY
, 2017

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Andrew Hodgson & Jason Ronaldi, Abbey Gardens Rehabilitation of Gravel Pit Site through Apple Crop Expansion Report

Andrew Hodgson & Jason Ronaldi, Abbey Gardens Rehabilitation of Gravel Pit Site through Apple Crop Expansion Report, 2017

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Rachel French, Meagan Sorley and Katarina Zlatanovic, Haliburton Highlands Field Naturalists Education Programming

Rachel French, Meagan Sorley and Katarina Zlatanovic, Haliburton Highlands Field Naturalists Education Programming, 2017

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Kurt McMurray
Sydney Munshaw
Tessa Pozzebon, Traffic Calming in Haliburton County;
An Arts-Based Approach

Kurt McMurray
Sydney Munshaw
Tessa Pozzebon, Traffic Calming in Haliburton County;
An Arts-Based Approach
, 2017

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Lucas Beckering-Vinckers & Charlie Tremblay, Abbey Gardens Trail Systems

Lucas Beckering-Vinckers & Charlie Tremblay, Abbey Gardens Trail Systems, 2017

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Kaitlin Webber & Krishna Patel, Educational Garden Program for Preschoolers

Kaitlin Webber & Krishna Patel, Educational Garden Program for Preschoolers, 2016

Develop and design a 6-week educational gardening program for children ages 3-5 and their parents.

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Laura Gerencser
Devon Hennessy
Daphne Paszterko
Reuben Van Zeumeren, NR-681 Submittal of Final Kushog Lake Ground Truthing Report 2014
Kushog Lake Identification and Inflow Analysis: Year 3

Laura Gerencser
Devon Hennessy
Daphne Paszterko
Reuben Van Zeumeren, NR-681 Submittal of Final Kushog Lake Ground Truthing Report 2014
Kushog Lake Identification and Inflow Analysis: Year 3

Melissa Johnston, Cultivating Change: Optimizing Farmers’ Markets in Ontario

Melissa Johnston, Cultivating Change: Optimizing Farmers’ Markets in Ontario, 2017

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Dylan Goutos
Amber Hawkins
Kari Jansen
Lita O’Halloran, NR-680 KUSHOG LAKE SUB-WATERSHEDS 1-10:
Ground Truthing Inflows and Establishing Long-Term Monitoring Sites
Final Report

Dylan Goutos
Amber Hawkins
Kari Jansen
Lita O’Halloran, NR-680 KUSHOG LAKE SUB-WATERSHEDS 1-10:
Ground Truthing Inflows and Establishing Long-Term Monitoring Sites
Final Report

Part I: Through A Scientific Lens
Emma J. Horrigan
Part II: Citizen Science and Community Collaboration
Angel Taylor, Haliburton County Garlic Growers Association, NR- 679
Managing Garlic Pests in Haliburton County

Part I: Through A Scientific Lens
Emma J. Horrigan
Part II: Citizen Science and Community Collaboration
Angel Taylor, Haliburton County Garlic Growers Association, NR- 679
Managing Garlic Pests in Haliburton County

A. E. Christie, Ph.D., Nutrient - Phytoplankton Relationships in Eight Southern Ontario Lakes

A. E. Christie, Ph.D., Nutrient - Phytoplankton Relationships in Eight Southern Ontario Lakes, 1968

Allan Burger, Bacteriological Water Quality of Kushog Lake

Allan Burger, Bacteriological Water Quality of Kushog Lake, 1971

During the summer of 1970, two intensive bacteriological surveys of Kushog Lake showed the lake to be acceptable for total body contact recreational…

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C. Brady, Ox Narrows Official Lake Trout Spawning Bed

C. Brady, Ox Narrows Official Lake Trout Spawning Bed, 1980

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Unknown, Calcium concentrations for lakes sampled as part of the Lake Partner Program for years 2008-12

Unknown, Calcium concentrations for lakes sampled as part of the Lake Partner Program for years 2008-12, 2008-2012

Tracy Pembleton, Michelle Polley, Nikolet Ertl, Rebekah Foote, Norah's Island Biodiversity Monitoring Project

Tracy Pembleton, Michelle Polley, Nikolet Ertl, Rebekah Foote, Norah's Island Biodiversity Monitoring Project, 2013

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Government of Canada, Youthlink: helping you make the transition from school to work

Government of Canada, Youthlink: helping you make the transition from school to work, 2001

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Houghting, Heather; Rekha, Peter, Youth, trades and apprenticeships: community research project

Houghting, Heather; Rekha, Peter, Youth, trades and apprenticeships: community research project, Trent University, 2004

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Ecotourism Students, YMCA Wanakita Customer Service Obstacle Course Workshop

Ecotourism Students, YMCA Wanakita Customer Service Obstacle Course Workshop, 1997

Thomas Stinson, writings of Thomas Stinson (Life Story)

Thomas Stinson, writings of Thomas Stinson (Life Story), Max, Ruth

Property Tax Working Group, Working Group Report: Property Tax

Property Tax Working Group, Working Group Report: Property Tax, 1992

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Wilson, J. Scott, Working for the Community: Religious Congregations in the Haliburton Highlands

Wilson, J. Scott, Working for the Community: Religious Congregations in the Haliburton Highlands, Trent University, 1995

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