Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents


Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents


Garrah, Kate

Host Organization

Kennisis Lake Planning Committee
Host contact: Butcher, Ron

Supervising Faculty

Sager, Eric
Department: Environmental and Resource Science/Studies

Reference Number




Location of Document

U-Links Office and online


Kennisis Lake


Implementing a lake plan


This project aims to understand what motivates people to act on their values.This will provide direction for the implementation of the lake plan in upcoming years and is intended to increase compliance with any proposed changes.


The Kennisis Lake Planning Committee has completed an extensive survey from which data has been gathered on what is important to the lake residents and residents on surrounding lakes. This paper is intended to provide a springboard for implementation of a future lake / watershed plan for community residents. It addresses what might motivate people to act on recommendations outlined in the plan and what might motivate people to adhere to legislation already in place. Combining marketing strategies greatly improves the probability that the desired behaviour will be observed. Three key areas to focus on in developing a strategy are accessibility of the behaviour, communication, and a social norm surrounding the behaviour. This is much simplified, however these three areas are fundamental to a successful marketing strategy. The easier and clearer the behaviour is to engage in, the more likely it will be observed.


Trent University



Garrah, Kate, Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents, Trent University, 2007