Beyond the Physical: An evaluation of Cottage Dreams


Beyond the Physical: An evaluation of Cottage Dreams


Chreptyk, Erin; Fryer, Julia

Host Organization

Cottage Dreams
Host contact: O'Neill, Seana

Supervising Faculty

Beyers, Chris
Department: International Development Studies

Reference Number




Location of Document

U-Links Office and online




Evaluating a program for cancer survivors


This evaluation examined the effectiveness of the program, the benefits it offers to participants, and the role of the program within the complementary, integrated care approach to healing and recovery.


Cottage Dreams is a unique recovery initiative which offers cancer survivors and their supporters a week stay at a cottage in Ontario that have completed their cancer treatment in the past 9 months. The Cottage Dreams staff desired an evaluation that would provide them with information pertaining to how the program facilitated the healing and recovery process of past participants. Evaluators from Trent University designed an evaluation that would examine the effectiveness of the program, the benefits it offers to participants, and the role of the program within the complementary, integrated care approach to healing and recovery. The evaluation consisted of 32 in-depth, open-ended phone interviews with past program participants. The main findings from the research, which were positive in nature, pertained to aspects of healing and recovery that the week at the cottage afforded visitors. Those aspects of healing and recovery which were identified by participants were: a will to live which entails a change in outlook or perspective, being in an environment which is away from everyday life and cancer, being in a natural setting of wildlife and environment, and having time to make emotional connection with others. Each of these elements is a fundamental component within a complementary, integrated approach to healing and recovery and adheres to the Cottage Dreams objectives.

Included in the report are findings about the program itself, which were also positive. Past participants were appreciative of the non-discriminatory nature of the program, the organization’s professionalism, and many were touched by the generosity of cottage donors and the Cottage Dreams staff. The evaluators feel that Cottage Dreams plays an important role in the cancer healing and recovery process and has positively affected the lives of many cancer survivors and their supporters. Taking the comments of past participants into consideration, recommendations have been formulated for Cottage Dreams to consider for future program changes and direction.


Trent University



Chreptyk, Erin; Fryer, Julia, Beyond the Physical: An evaluation of Cottage Dreams, Trent University, 2007