Cycling in Haliburton County
Cycling in Haliburton County
Leslie, Alaina
Host Organization
Communities in Action Committee
Haliburton Highlands Cycling Coalition
Host contact: Shikaze, Sue
Haliburton Highlands Cycling Coalition
Host contact: Shikaze, Sue
Supervising Faculty
Brunger, Alan
Department: Geography
Department: Geography
Reference Number
Location of Document
U-Links Office and online
Haliburton County
Planning for a cycling friendly community
Explores the potential and current state of cycling in Haliburton County, Ontario. There is a large interest in cycling in the County, but concerns over traffic, safety, and road conditions prevent more residents from cycling. However, data show a high potential for cycling as a nature-based tourism opportunity.
Increasing cycling in the County will require investments by the community and the government for cycling infrastructure and eductation.
Includes CD with survey data.
Increasing cycling in the County will require investments by the community and the government for cycling infrastructure and eductation.
Includes CD with survey data.
This paper explores the potential and current state of cycling in Haliburton County, Ontario, Canada and was completed for both the Haliburton Highlands Cycling Coalition and the Trent University Geography Department in conjunction with U-Links Centre for Community Based Research. Survey data collected for this project show that there is a large interest in cycling in Haliburton, however, concerns over traffic, safety, and road conditions prevent more residents from cycling. Respondents consisted mainly of full-time residents of Haliburton County probably because respondents were recruited at grocery stores during the winter months – spatially and seasonally uncharacteristic of Haliburton’s primary tourists – cottagers. Data shows a high potential for cyclo-tourism as an overwhelming majority of respondents reported that they enjoyed the scenery and environment of cycling in Haliburton County. While Haliburton exhibits a model-share consistent with most of North America – that is very low compared to European model-shares – Haliburton’s model-share is likely to improve if on and off-road infrastructure is enhanced.
Trent University
Leslie, Alaina, Cycling in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2008