Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport - Preliminary Environmental Assessment - Expansion of New Runway
Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport - Preliminary Environmental Assessment - Expansion of New Runway
Harper, Jenn; Weber, Nick
Host Organization
Maple and Beech Lake Property Owners' Association
Host contact: MacInnes, Paul
Host contact: MacInnes, Paul
Supervising Faculty
Taylor, Colin
Department: Geography
Department: Geography
Reference Number
Location of Document
U-Links Office and online
Environmental impacts of rural airport expansion
A preliminary environmental assessment of the proposed expansion of the Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport. Discusses the possible impacts on water quailty, soil structure, forestry and wildlife.
As with ay development, initial concerns about economic, social, and most importantly environmental impacts to a location need to be considered. Presently the Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport is considering expanding by adding a new 1200-metre long runway perpendicular to the present 780-metre runway. This study is a preliminary environmental assessment of the proposed expansion, and while this paper will not cover all aspects it hopes to look at some potential problems and possible alternatives, or solutions to any problems that may arise. Environmental aspects covered are: water quality of the two rivers and one lake surrounding the airport, soil structure including drainage patterns and subsurface water flow, forestry and wildlife and the effects the expansion would have on habitat, surface runoff associated with air traffic, noise pollution, and air quality. While this is just a preliminary assessment it is hoped that through this paper further studies can be made in any areas of possible concern for further analysis.
Trent University
Harper, Jenn; Weber, Nick, Haliburton-Algonquin Highlands Municipal Airport - Preliminary Environmental Assessment - Expansion of New Runway, Trent University, 2005