Traffic Calming in Haliburton County;
An Arts-Based Approach


Traffic Calming in Haliburton County;
An Arts-Based Approach


Kurt McMurray
Sydney Munshaw
Tessa Pozzebon

Host Organization

Communities in Action Committee , Sue Shikaze

Supervising Faculty

Heather Nicol - Geography

Reference Number




Location of Document



This study examines the ability for arts-based traffic calming to be implemented in Haliburton County, Ontario. Arts-based traffic calming attempts to reduce traffic volume and speed to increase the vibrancy, safety and walkability of streets for pedestrians. Traffic calming strategies fit with a web of planning practices encompassed by active transportation and complete streets. The study focuses on three specific locations within the county of Haliburton: Highland Street/County Road 21, York Street and County Road 6. In order to glean the compatibility of arts-based traffic calming with Haliburton County, the authors conduct a literature review, traffic speed and volume data, email interviews with community professionals and a planner, and five case studies of communities that have successfully done arts-based traffic calming. The speed and traffic data, and analysis of current planning policy suggests that all three streets could benefit from traffic calming strategies. Meanwhile, the literature review, email interviews and case studies allowed this project to suggest eight guiding principles and target suggestions for York Street, Highland Street and County Road 6. The authors concluded that the streets in the study could benefit from arts-based traffic calming based on the principles provided in the report.



Kurt McMurray
Sydney Munshaw
Tessa Pozzebon, Traffic Calming in Haliburton County;
An Arts-Based Approach
, 2017