Browse Items (947 total)

Freeland, Travis, Spaces, Places, and Meaningful Experience: The Trent Temagami Weekend

Freeland, Travis, Spaces, Places, and Meaningful Experience: The Trent Temagami Weekend, Trent University, 2009

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Friends of Minden Hills, Minden Riverwalk: the concept

Friends of Minden Hills, Minden Riverwalk: the concept, Anthon, Jeanne

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Frost Centre, Environmental Education Programs

Frost Centre, Environmental Education Programs

G.D. Puttock Silv-econ Ltd., Economic Analysis of Supply and Demand for Roundwood in Southern Ontario

G.D. Puttock Silv-econ Ltd., Economic Analysis of Supply and Demand for Roundwood in Southern Ontario, Coburn, Carolynn, 1990

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Garrah, Kate, Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents

Garrah, Kate, Marketing a Lake Plan to a Cottage Community and Watershed Residents, Trent University, 2007

This project aims to understand what motivates people to act on their values.This will provide direction for the implementation of the lake plan in…

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Garrah, Katie, Communication and Community Engagement - Theory and application within a cottage association for the purpose of developing and implementing lake plans and other community based stewardship initiatives

Garrah, Katie, Communication and Community Engagement - Theory and application within a cottage association for the purpose of developing and implementing lake plans and other community based stewardship initiatives, Trent University, 2007

Building on previous research (TP-557), this project identifies a method for further consultation with the lake community. The report focuses on…

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Gartner Lee Associates Ltd., Resource Appraisal Study: Volume I & II

Gartner Lee Associates Ltd., Resource Appraisal Study: Volume I & II, Coburn, Carolynn, 1970

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Gary Bull, Bull & Associates, Socio-Economic Profile of the Major Primary and Service Industries in Haliburton County

Gary Bull, Bull & Associates, Socio-Economic Profile of the Major Primary and Service Industries in Haliburton County, 1994

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Gaudette, Jennifer, A Review of the Haliburton Highlands Stewardship Council

Gaudette, Jennifer, A Review of the Haliburton Highlands Stewardship Council, Trent University, 1999

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George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands - A Natural Work of Art

George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands - A Natural Work of Art, 2004

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George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands. A Natural Work of Art

George Farrell, Haliburton Highlands. A Natural Work of Art, U-Links, 2004

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Gervais, Torie and Asha Rao, Haliburton Sugar Makers

Gervais, Torie and Asha Rao, Haliburton Sugar Makers, Trent University, 1998

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Gibson, Anna, Environmental Youth Corps 1994: Haliburton Highlands Bioregional Atlas Report

Gibson, Anna, Environmental Youth Corps 1994: Haliburton Highlands Bioregional Atlas Report, Trent University, 1994

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Gibson, Anna, Haliburton Highlands Atlas Project: Practising Bioregionalism

Gibson, Anna, Haliburton Highlands Atlas Project: Practising Bioregionalism, Trent University, 1995

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Gilbert, Emma; Taylor, Lindsay; Tominaga, Koji, Protection of public acces to trails

Gilbert, Emma; Taylor, Lindsay; Tominaga, Koji, Protection of public acces to trails, Trent University, 2005

Paper discusses how to inventory a portage trail and maintain it; the ecological effects of motorized vehicles on portage routes; recommendations on…

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Giltenan, Tom, Establishing and Maintaining a Successful Municipal Heritage Committee in Minden Hillls

Giltenan, Tom, Establishing and Maintaining a Successful Municipal Heritage Committee in Minden Hillls, Trent University, 2008

This project is focused on the potential for creating a mechanism for reviewing and advocating for heritage buildings in rural communities. It aims to…

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Glenside Ecological Services Ltd., County of Haliburton Headwater Metadata

Glenside Ecological Services Ltd., County of Haliburton Headwater Metadata, King, Gary, 2002

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Glover, Jennifer, Capturing a Piece of Paradise: Lot Subdividion and the Transition of Land Use of Canning Lake

Glover, Jennifer, Capturing a Piece of Paradise: Lot Subdividion and the Transition of Land Use of Canning Lake, Trent University, 2006-2007

This report investgates the history of several lots on Canning Lake and provides some analysis on the implications of the changes, in terms of land…

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Gnys, Natalie, Art and Economic Viability in Haliburton County

Gnys, Natalie, Art and Economic Viability in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2002

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Godkin, Karen; Kilgour, Megan; Mankowski, Jessica; Peters, Natalie; Zwir, Kathryn, Micro-Hydro Generation - Policy and Legal Issues

Godkin, Karen; Kilgour, Megan; Mankowski, Jessica; Peters, Natalie; Zwir, Kathryn, Micro-Hydro Generation - Policy and Legal Issues, Trent University, 2004

An environmental impact assessment of the proposal to use an existing dam in the village of Haliburton to develop a micro-hyrdro project.

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Golder Associates Ltd, Subsurface Investigations and Condition of Dams: Bicroft Mine Site Bancroft, Ontario

Golder Associates Ltd, Subsurface Investigations and Condition of Dams: Bicroft Mine Site Bancroft, Ontario, 1990

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Gordon Edwards, Climate Change

Gordon Edwards, Climate Change

Gordon Edwards, Radioactivity, Isotopes, Bombs

Gordon Edwards, Radioactivity, Isotopes, Bombs

Goschl, F., Ritchie, L., Watson, M., Zita, A., Haliburton County Mining Heritage: Snowdon Township

Goschl, F., Ritchie, L., Watson, M., Zita, A., Haliburton County Mining Heritage: Snowdon Township, U-links, 2002

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Gourlie, Sarah, Ontario Early Years Centre

Government of Canada, Youthlink: helping you make the transition from school to work

Government of Canada, Youthlink: helping you make the transition from school to work, 2001

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Grace Swinton, Caleb Greer, Brody Marietti, Arlen Rivet, Winter Water Conditions in the Kawartha Lakes - Internal Loadings Study

Grace Swinton, Caleb Greer, Brody Marietti, Arlen Rivet, Winter Water Conditions in the Kawartha Lakes - Internal Loadings Study, Trent University, April 2023

Green Communities Canada, Walk21, Walkability Road Show Case Studies

Green Communities Canada, Walk21, Walkability Road Show Case Studies, 2007

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Greenley, Corey and Julie Corlett, Stanhope Township Waste Management Proposal

Greenley, Corey and Julie Corlett, Stanhope Township Waste Management Proposal, Trent University, n.d.

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Greer Galloway and Associates Ltd, County of Haliburton Waste Management Study

Greer Galloway and Associates Ltd, County of Haliburton Waste Management Study, Coburn, Carolynn, 1983

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