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Fletcher, Amanda; Hunt, Bethany, Age-Friendly in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2010
Tags: Aging, health, Rural Living, Seniors, Social and Health Studies
Kiley, Robert, Aging Well in Haliburton County: The Personal Experience, Trent University, 2010
A qualitative research project commissioned by the Haliburton Aging-Well Committee.
Tags: Aging, Seniors, Social and Health Studies
Byington, Emily; Leavens, Ann; Lentini, Melissa; Williams,Rebecca; Connelly, Corlin; Souch, Justin; Brunton, Sandra; Davis, Ben; McClement, Joey; Walker, Kyomi; Hughes, Geoffrey; Lebel, Katie, HHHS - Asking Questions to improve our community health, Trent University, 2011
The Rural Health topics the students chose to cover were:1. How does living in Haliburton County influence your likelihood to suffer from a chronic…
Tags: Accessibility, Aging, community, health, rural communities, Seniors, Social and Health Studies, social determinants of health
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