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2023, Grace Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022, Trent University
Tags: benthic biomonitoring, benthos, Grace Lake, Haliburton, Haliburton County, lake health, OBBN, watershed, WWEW
Julie Prentice, Carrie McDonald, Avery Scott 2023, Bob Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022, Trent University
Tags: benthic biomonitoring, benthos, Bob Lake, CBR, Communty based research, Haliburton, Haliburton County, lake health, macroinvertrebrates, OBBN, Shoreline, Trent University, U-Links, WWEW
Skye Vasey April, 2023, Koshlong Lake Benthic Assessment - 2022
Tags: aquatic ecosystems, aquatic habitat, Aquatics, benthic biomonitoring, benthic macroinvertebrates, benthos biomonitoring, data analysis, data collection, KLA, Koshlong Lake Association, OBBN, Ontario, Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network, Trent University, U-Links, Woodlands and Waterways EcoWatch, WWEW
Imogen Bellinger and Zachary Weber 2023, Glamor Lakes Benthic Assessment - 2022, Trent University
Tags: benthic biomonitoring, benthos, Glamor Lakes, OBBN, U-Links, WWEW
Tera Boisclair, Noah Opper, Ness Pringle, Jacob Findlay, William Skye Vasey April, 2023, Blue Skies Bioblitz Plan, Trent University
Tags: Bioblitz, Blueskies, monitoring, terrestrial biomonitoring, Trent University, U-Links, WWEW
Applied Biomonitoring Course, Trent University ERSC 3620H - K. Fleming April, 2023, Halls and Hawk Lakes Benthic Assessment - 2022, Trent University
Tags: benthic biomonitoring, Big Hawk Lake, Halls Lake, HHLPOA, Kabakwa Lake, Little Hawk Lake, U-Links, WWEW
Amanda Curran, Alexa Wilkes, Emilia Violin 2023, Twelve Mile and Little Boshkung Lake Benthic Study 2022, Trent University
Tags: benthic biomonitoring, benthic macroinvertebrates, benthos, community based research, Haliburton County, lake health, OBBN, Trent University, TSE, ULinks, watershed, WWEW
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