Browse Items (947 total)

Workforce Development Board, Workforce Development Board Accomplishments Report 2004-2005

Workforce Development Board, Workforce Development Board Accomplishments Report 2004-2005, U-Links, 2005

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Women's Institute-Minute Books 1907-1946

Women's Institute-Minute Books 1907-1946

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Patterson, Brandy, Women in Haliburton County: Community Involvement and Economic Stability

Patterson, Brandy, Women in Haliburton County: Community Involvement and Economic Stability, Trent University, 2000

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Bebee, Kerry, Women and Childbirth: A Historical Perspective on Maternity in the Haliburton Highlands Bioregion

Bebee, Kerry, Women and Childbirth: A Historical Perspective on Maternity in the Haliburton Highlands Bioregion, U-Links, 1995

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Haliburton Forest Wolf Centre, Wolves

Haliburton Forest Wolf Centre, Wolves, 2006

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Mark B. Stagg, County Planner and EDO, Without Prejudice

Mark B. Stagg, County Planner and EDO, Without Prejudice, Coburn, Carolynn, 1994

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Thompson, Alex; Neadow, Joshua, Windy Pine: A Greener Future

Thompson, Alex; Neadow, Joshua, Windy Pine: A Greener Future, Trent University, 2011

Windy Pine green plan: phase 2

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Kasia Janik, Charlie Phillips, Greg Stones, Jessica Swan, Windy Pine Woodlot Research and Management

Kasia Janik, Charlie Phillips, Greg Stones, Jessica Swan, Windy Pine Woodlot Research and Management, 2011

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Laberge, Paulo; Romaniuk, Yvan, Windy Pine Conference Centre Solar Photovoltaic and Efficiency Project

Laberge, Paulo; Romaniuk, Yvan, Windy Pine Conference Centre Solar Photovoltaic and Efficiency Project, Trent University, 2010


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Lockhart, Dan, Winding Roads and Silent Horses: Andre Lapine, Canada

Lockhart, Dan, Winding Roads and Silent Horses: Andre Lapine, Canada, Trent University, 2001

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Barzo, Tina / Martindale, Jenny / Ter-Vrugt, Julie, Wildlife Management- Green Island Loop

Barzo, Tina / Martindale, Jenny / Ter-Vrugt, Julie, Wildlife Management- Green Island Loop, 1998

Dunlop, Heather, Wilderness and Youth Camps of the Ontarian Shield: A Bioregional Perspective

Dunlop, Heather, Wilderness and Youth Camps of the Ontarian Shield: A Bioregional Perspective, Trent University, 1992

Discusses the activities of youth camps, based on their social, educational, recreational and environmental objectives.

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Feltham, Sherri, Wilberforce Red Cross Outpost 1922-1963

Feltham, Sherri, Wilberforce Red Cross Outpost 1922-1963, U-Links, 1993

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various, When We Were Young: Haliburton County Seniors Share Their Childhood Memories

various, When We Were Young: Haliburton County Seniors Share Their Childhood Memories, 2008

Krekoski, Erin, What makes a housing project work? Housing in Haliburton County

Krekoski, Erin, What makes a housing project work? Housing in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2007

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Nelson, Chad, What is this place we are ever rushing towards? Or, a gravel pit and the History of Velocity

Nelson, Chad, What is this place we are ever rushing towards? Or, a gravel pit and the History of Velocity, Trent University, 1994

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Killen, Jim, What is a Tree Really Worth?

Killen, Jim, What is a Tree Really Worth?, Trent University, 2000

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Haliburton County Echo, Wetlands may be nature's septic system

Haliburton County Echo, Wetlands may be nature's septic system, U-Links, 2004

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Moran, Ambrose, Wetland Policies: A Review of Approaches

Moran, Ambrose, Wetland Policies: A Review of Approaches, Trent University, 1995

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Hall, Heather, Welcome to the Haliburton Highlands Guild of Fine Arts

Hall, Heather, Welcome to the Haliburton Highlands Guild of Fine Arts, Trent University, 1997

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Author Alicia Gabourie Mallory Moore Amy Tenbult Kendra Abbey Kevin Inch Tamara Tucker Loretta Dunford, Water Stewardship in the Classroom

Author Alicia Gabourie Mallory Moore Amy Tenbult Kendra Abbey Kevin Inch Tamara Tucker Loretta Dunford, Water Stewardship in the Classroom, 2011

various, Water Quality of South Lake - Lake Study Reports

various, Water Quality of South Lake - Lake Study Reports

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Tyler VanderMolen, Water Quality Kennisis Lake

Tyler VanderMolen, Water Quality Kennisis Lake, 2011

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Corkery, Catherine, What is causing observed water level fluctuations in Gull Lake? An examination of the impacts of three weather parameters on lake water levels

Corkery, Catherine, What is causing observed water level fluctuations in Gull Lake? An examination of the impacts of three weather parameters on lake water levels, Trent University, 2010

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Shirin Nuesslein, Water Festival Evaluation Does it Make a Difference?

Shirin Nuesslein, Water Festival Evaluation Does it Make a Difference?, 2012

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Baker, Christopher M., Water Enough and Time: A Bioregional Primer for Lakeshore Development in Haliburton

Baker, Christopher M., Water Enough and Time: A Bioregional Primer for Lakeshore Development in Haliburton, Trent University, 1993

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Devon Smith, Waste Management Plan for Minden Hills Parks

Devon Smith, Waste Management Plan for Minden Hills Parks, 2011

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Simmons, Steve, Waste Management in the Haliburton County Bioregion

Simmons, Steve, Waste Management in the Haliburton County Bioregion, Trent University, 1991

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Bernard, Gerry and Bill Forsyth, Waste Management in Haliburton County

Bernard, Gerry and Bill Forsyth, Waste Management in Haliburton County, Trent University, 1993

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Hernandez, Carolina; Naik, Tanay, Waste management evaluation in the Township of Algonquin Highlands, County of Haliburton

Hernandez, Carolina; Naik, Tanay, Waste management evaluation in the Township of Algonquin Highlands, County of Haliburton, Trent University, 2003

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