Corkery, Catherine, What is causing observed water level fluctuations in Gull Lake? An examination of the impacts of three weather parameters on lake water levels, Trent University, 2010
Markwick, Kerry, The History of Water Conrol in Haliburton County: A Contemporary Analysis of Human Impact on the Natural Environment, Trent University, 1993
Devan, Lisa, Sticking to our roots: A study of waterfront tree preservation initiatives for the Kennisis Lake Cottagers Association, Trent University, 2007
This project researched examples of governmental legislation and stewardship initiatives with regards to tree-cutting and preservation on privately…
Paterson, A., Cumming, B., Smol, J., and Hall, R., Marked recent increases of colonial scaled chrysophytes in boreal lakes: implications for the management of taste and odour events, 2004
Reid, Somers, Nighswander, and Zobel, Long-term Scientific Benefits from Preserving Old-Growth Hemlock Stands at Clear Lake Near Minden, Ontario, Canada, U-Links, 1999