Browse Items (947 total)

Figurski, Emma; Loney, Jenna, Engaging Haliburton Highlands High School Students in Art

Figurski, Emma; Loney, Jenna, Engaging Haliburton Highlands High School Students in Art, Trent University, 2006

Collect information from high school students through interviews and focus groups to develop a plan for their participation in art programs at a local…

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Ferrier, Elaine, Devils and Icons: The past, present, and future of human-wolf relations in North America

Ferrier, Elaine, Devils and Icons: The past, present, and future of human-wolf relations in North America, Trent University, 2006

Assist in developing a survey tool to gather information regarding the knowledge and attitudes of adults and youth towards wolves. Implement the…

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Feltham, Sherri, Wilberforce Red Cross Outpost 1922-1963

Feltham, Sherri, Wilberforce Red Cross Outpost 1922-1963, U-Links, 1993

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Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations, Lobbying for Success

Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations, Lobbying for Success, 1998

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Fay Wilkinson, Visible Voices:

Fay Wilkinson, Visible Voices:, 2011

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Fay Wilkinson, Visible Voices Executive Summary

Fay Wilkinson, Visible Voices Executive Summary, 2011

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Fay Martin, Deposition to County Council, November 26 , 2003

Fay Martin, Deposition to County Council, November 26 , 2003, U-Links, 2003

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Fay & Associates, Key to Women's Health

Fay & Associates, Key to Women's Health, 2006

Faulkenham, Hall, Dillon, and Karst-Riddoch, Effects of drought-induced acidification on diatom communities in acid-sensitive Ontario lakes

Faulkenham, Hall, Dillon, and Karst-Riddoch, Effects of drought-induced acidification on diatom communities in acid-sensitive Ontario lakes, U-Links, 2003

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Fahrun, Daniel, Rural Housing In Haliburton: A community-based qualitative case study

Fahrun, Daniel, Rural Housing In Haliburton: A community-based qualitative case study, Trent University, 2011

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Fahrun, Dan; Fraser, Cheryl; Moss, Jaime; Clarke, Jackie; Balsar, Brittany; Smith, Devon; Duncan, Heather; Duesling, Bailey; South, Jennifer; Shea, Amanda-Lee; Wickham, Trevor; Rogers, Zoe; Hayes, Nathaniel; MacDonald, Candice; Page, Laura, HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HALIBURTON COUNTY: PHASE TWO

Fahrun, Dan; Fraser, Cheryl; Moss, Jaime; Clarke, Jackie; Balsar, Brittany; Smith, Devon; Duncan, Heather; Duesling, Bailey; South, Jennifer; Shea, Amanda-Lee; Wickham, Trevor; Rogers, Zoe; Hayes, Nathaniel; MacDonald, Candice; Page, Laura, HEALTH INFORMATION FOR HALIBURTON COUNTY: PHASE TWO, Trent University, 2009

The ultimate purpose of the research was to bring information and people together to strengthen the community's overall health. The advisory group…

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F.I.S.H., F.I.S.H. a watershed approach to planning - video

F.I.S.H., F.I.S.H. a watershed approach to planning - video, Anthon, Jeanne

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Evan MacDonald, Nicholas Lymer, Tim Bourne and Alexis Godlington, Economic Valuation of Water Quality in the Muskoka Region

Evan MacDonald, Nicholas Lymer, Tim Bourne and Alexis Godlington, Economic Valuation of Water Quality in the Muskoka Region, 2012

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Halls Lake 2020 (1)-min.pdf


The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Halls Lake.

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Erin Kernohan, Triumphs, Tragedies and Changes - A Celebration of Minden's 150 Years

Erin Kernohan, Triumphs, Tragedies and Changes - A Celebration of Minden's 150 Years, 2009

Erica Rumbolt, Abbey Gardens - Waste Management

Erica Rumbolt, Abbey Gardens - Waste Management, 2012

A study of the current waste management practices of Haliburton County, Ontario and the potential diversion of organic waste materials to Abbey…

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ENVR 145 Sustainable Waste Management Class, Illegal Dumping in Dysart et al

IllegalDumping_Dysartetal_Final 07_29.pdf

ENVR 145 Sustainable Waste Management Class, Illegal Dumping in Dysart et al, Sir Sanford Fleming College, 2021

Illegal dumping involves the disposal of waste and other unwanted material in non-designated spaces, including but not limited to landfill perimeters,…

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Environmental Education Ontario, Greening the Way Ontario Learns: A Public Strategic Plan for Environmental and Sustainability Education

Environmental Education Ontario, Greening the Way Ontario Learns: A Public Strategic Plan for Environmental and Sustainability Education, U-Links, 2003

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Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, New Planning System Leaves Ontario's Natural Heritage Unprotected says Environmental Commissioner

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, New Planning System Leaves Ontario's Natural Heritage Unprotected says Environmental Commissioner, 2005

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Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada

Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada, 1994

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Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada. Summary.

Environment Canada, Biodiversity in Canada: A Science Assessment for Environment Canada. Summary., 1994

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Emily Stratford, Climate Change & Public Health: What is the role of primary health care?

Emily Stratford, Climate Change & Public Health: What is the role of primary health care?, 2019

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Emily Stratford, Optimizing Spent Brewer’s Grain as an Effective Soil Amendment

Emily Stratford, Optimizing Spent Brewer’s Grain as an Effective Soil Amendment, 2019

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Emily Silk, Tyler Marcotte, Willow Graham, Katie Evensen, Best Practices for Lake Monitoring and Management (Drag and Spruce Lake)

Emily Silk, Tyler Marcotte, Willow Graham, Katie Evensen April, 2023, Best Practices for Lake Monitoring and Management (Drag and Spruce Lake), Trent University

Emily Grubb, Assessing the Health of Gull Lake

Emily Grubb, Assessing the Health of Gull Lake, 2013

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Emily Banks, Troy Deziel, Oliver Kurz, Jean Leishman, Nadia Pagliaro, Nate Stephen, Upper Stoney Lake Benthic Assessment

Emily Banks, Troy Deziel, Oliver Kurz, Jean Leishman, Nadia Pagliaro, Nate Stephen 2023, Upper Stoney Lake Benthic Assessment, Trent University

Emily Amon, Stephen Hill, Jim Blake, and Marie Gage, BROKERING COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH
Evaluating the Impacts of U-Links Centre
for Community-Based Research on a Rural
Canadian County


Emily Amon, Stephen Hill, Jim Blake, and Marie Gage, BROKERING COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH
Evaluating the Impacts of U-Links Centre
for Community-Based Research on a Rural
Canadian County
, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning,
Volume 26, Issue 1, Winter 2020, 2020

Emerald Grob & Monica Matthews, Aquatic Health Assessment of Gull Lake

Gull Lake Assessment Editors Cut.pdf

Emerald Grob & Monica Matthews, Aquatic Health Assessment of Gull Lake, Trent University, 2021

The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities on Gull Lake.

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Ellison, Jessica, No Claim to Greatness but that which comes from a Job Well Done: The Pioneer Myth in a rural Ontario town.

Ellison, Jessica, No Claim to Greatness but that which comes from a Job Well Done: The Pioneer Myth in a rural Ontario town., Trent University, 2010

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Eleanor Holt and Rnie Panopio, Haliburton Forest and Wild Life Reserve Parking Lot Revitalization

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