Browse Items (947 total)

Lavery, Thomas Arthur, Municipal Economic Development - Phase 1: Business Inventory of Highlands East

Lavery, Thomas Arthur, Municipal Economic Development - Phase 1: Business Inventory of Highlands East, Trent University, 2009

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Laventhol and Horwath Management Consultants, Peterborough-Haliburton: Tourism Development Strategy, Vol. 1

Laventhol and Horwath Management Consultants, Peterborough-Haliburton: Tourism Development Strategy, Vol. 1, 1981

Laventhol & Horawath Management Consultants, Haliburton Market Study: Final Report

Laventhol & Horawath Management Consultants, Haliburton Market Study: Final Report, Coburn, Carolynn, 1986

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Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment

Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment, Trent University, December 2023

Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment 2023

Lauren Heins, Brandon Jung, Carrie McDonald, Julie Prentice, Rachel Thomson, and Phelisha Williams, Little Hawk Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment 2023, Trent University, December 1st, 2023

Laura Gerencser
Devon Hennessy
Daphne Paszterko
Reuben Van Zeumeren, NR-681 Submittal of Final Kushog Lake Ground Truthing Report 2014
Kushog Lake Identification and Inflow Analysis: Year 3

Laura Gerencser
Devon Hennessy
Daphne Paszterko
Reuben Van Zeumeren, NR-681 Submittal of Final Kushog Lake Ground Truthing Report 2014
Kushog Lake Identification and Inflow Analysis: Year 3

Lashbrook, Ross, Phosphates and Automatic Dishwashing Detergents

Lashbrook, Ross, Phosphates and Automatic Dishwashing Detergents, Trent University, 2001

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Lapointe, Katherine; Peters, Monica, An Evaluation Report for Point in Time

An Evaluation Report For Point in Time.pdf

Lapointe, Katherine; Peters, Monica, An Evaluation Report for Point in Time, Trent University, 2008

An audit of all operations for Point in Time with regard to the four areas the Childrens Mental Health Organization identify as required for…

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Lang, Jennifer, Haliburton County: The Logging Industry in the Depression Era

Lang, Jennifer, Haliburton County: The Logging Industry in the Depression Era, Trent University, 1995

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Lakehead Social Planning Council, Handbook of Best Practices: Organizations Operating Not-for-Profit Businesses in Thunder Bay

Lakehead Social Planning Council, Handbook of Best Practices: Organizations Operating Not-for-Profit Businesses in Thunder Bay, 1999

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Lakehead Social Planning Council, Economic Impact and Activities of Not-for-Profit Organizations in Thunder Bay

Lakehead Social Planning Council, Economic Impact and Activities of Not-for-Profit Organizations in Thunder Bay, 1999

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Laing, Elizabeth, An exploration of alternative sewage treatment systems and their potential benefits for small municipalities in Ontario

Laing, Elizabeth, An exploration of alternative sewage treatment systems and their potential benefits for small municipalities in Ontario, Trent University, 2003

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Laberge, Paulo; Romaniuk, Yvan, Windy Pine Conference Centre Solar Photovoltaic and Efficiency Project

Laberge, Paulo; Romaniuk, Yvan, Windy Pine Conference Centre Solar Photovoltaic and Efficiency Project, Trent University, 2010


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L'Italien, Andre, Minden's Main Street 1860-1920

L'Italien, Andre, Minden's Main Street 1860-1920, U-Links, 2002

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Kyla MacDonald, Food Security for Adults and Seniors with Disabilities in Haliburton

TP_4472 Food Security for Adults and Seniors with Disabilities in Haliburton_reduced.pdf

Kyla MacDonald, Food Security for Adults and Seniors with Disabilities in Haliburton, 2014

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Kurt McMurray
Sydney Munshaw
Tessa Pozzebon, Traffic Calming in Haliburton County;
An Arts-Based Approach

Kurt McMurray
Sydney Munshaw
Tessa Pozzebon, Traffic Calming in Haliburton County;
An Arts-Based Approach
, 2017

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Kumada, Mari; Moore, Mari, Assessment and Evaluation of the Amalgamation of the Staff of the OEYC Daycare Center in Haliburton

Assessment and Evaluation of the Amalgamation of the Staff of the OEYC Daycare Centre in Haliburton.pdf

Kumada, Mari; Moore, Mari, Assessment and Evaluation of the Amalgamation of the Staff of the OEYC Daycare Center in Haliburton, Trent University, 2005

Purpose is to identify ways to strengthen the process of amalgamation of the administration of the Ontario Early Year Centres in the Haliburton area.

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Kudzayi Mushumbi & Wacera W. Muriuki, Evaluation Assessment for Abbey Retreat Centre Programs

Kudzayi Mushumbi & Wacera W. Muriuki 2023, Evaluation Assessment for Abbey Retreat Centre Programs
, Trent University

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Kuchera, Adene, Exploring the Purchases of A Farming Family 1881-1932

Kuchera, Adene, Exploring the Purchases of A Farming Family 1881-1932, Trent University, 1998

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Krystle Botermans and Dominique Lapierre, Employment Opportunities for Transition-Aged Youth (TAY)

Krystle Botermans and Dominique Lapierre, Employment Opportunities for Transition-Aged Youth (TAY), 2013

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Kruzynski, Anna, Living With Contradictory Emotions in Alliance Building

Kruzynski, Anna, Living With Contradictory Emotions in Alliance Building, 2002

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KRS Marketing Inc., Keeping Young Adults In Victoria County

KRS Marketing Inc., Keeping Young Adults In Victoria County, Short, Karen Rae, 1997

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Kristy MacMillan, Best Practices for Aggregates Extraction in Haliburton County

Kristy MacMillan, Best Practices for Aggregates Extraction in Haliburton County, 2007

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Krishita Arora, Alexander Atkins, Hayden Hammock, Arden Hewitt, Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment of Kabakwa Lake, 2022

Krishita Arora, Alexander Atkins, Hayden Hammock, Arden Hewitt, Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment of Kabakwa Lake, 2022, 2022

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Krekoski, Erin, What makes a housing project work? Housing in Haliburton County

Krekoski, Erin, What makes a housing project work? Housing in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2007

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Koster, Susan, The End of the Line: Railways in Haliburton

Koster, Susan, The End of the Line: Railways in Haliburton, Trent University, 1993

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Kolten Hooper, Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring: Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Invasive Plants

Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring - Haliburton Highlands Land Trust - Invasive Plants - Final Report (1).pdf

Kolten Hooper, Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring: Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Invasive Plants, Trent University, 2020

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Kirkpatrick, Michael; McLaren, Thomas, The Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation Activities in Haliburton County

Kirkpatrick, Michael; McLaren, Thomas, The Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation Activities in Haliburton County, Trent University, 2009

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King, Andrea, Building Partnerships Between Schools and Communities: a Look at Haliburton County

King, Andrea, Building Partnerships Between Schools and Communities: a Look at Haliburton County, Trent University, 1999

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Killen, Jim, What is a Tree Really Worth?

Killen, Jim, What is a Tree Really Worth?, Trent University, 2000

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