Browse Items (947 total)

Robert Ormston, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment: Year 2

Kawagama Lake Benthic Report Final.pdf

Robert Ormston, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment: Year 2, Trent University, 2021

The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Kawagama Lake.

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Alison Kilpatrick & Lucas Timmons, Kashagawigamog Lake Benthic Assessment - Year 2

Kashagawigamog Lake Benthic Report Year 2.pdf

Alison Kilpatrick & Lucas Timmons, Kashagawigamog Lake Benthic Assessment - Year 2, Trent University, 2021

The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Kashagawigamog Lake

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Anna Dlugosz & Edward Merks, Club Moss Monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Properties

HHLT Club Moss Report.pdf

Anna Dlugosz & Edward Merks, Club Moss Monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Properties, Trent University, 2021

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Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project

Hawk Lakes Benthic Report.pdf

Kiera Schweighardt, Hawk Lakes Benthic Invertebrate Biomonitoring Project, Trent University, 2021

The first year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Big and Little Hawk Lakes.

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Jordan McDonald, Haliburton Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment

Haliburton Lake Report 2020 (Jordan McDonald).pdf

Jordan McDonald, Haliburton Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Health Assessment, Trent University, 2021

The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Haliburton Lake.

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Emerald Grob & Monica Matthews, Aquatic Health Assessment of Gull Lake

Gull Lake Assessment Editors Cut.pdf

Emerald Grob & Monica Matthews, Aquatic Health Assessment of Gull Lake, Trent University, 2021

The second year of a three year baseline study into the benthic macroinvertebrate communities on Gull Lake.

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Amanda Rogers, GLAMOR LAKE BENTHIC PROJECT 2020, Trent University, 2021

The first year of a three year baseline assessment of benthic macroinvertebrate communities on Glamor Lake.

Diana Myre, Planet Haliburton Radio Show Research Assistance

ERSC4830 Final Report and Executive Summary.pdf

Diana Myre, Planet Haliburton Radio Show Research Assistance, Trent University, 2021

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Roshelle Chan, GIS Database Migration and Development for the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust


Roshelle Chan, GIS Database Migration and Development for the Haliburton Highlands Land Trust, Trent University, 2021

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Jessica Marshall, Factors that Affect Dental Caries in the Patient Population of Volunteer Dental Outreach
for Haliburton County

CBRP Final Report JMarshall Updated.pdf

Jessica Marshall, Factors that Affect Dental Caries in the Patient Population of Volunteer Dental Outreach
for Haliburton County
, Trent University, 2021

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Maja DeForest and Jayme Cameron, Community Research Project: HLPOA Naturalized
Shoreline Stabilization Research Project Report

CBR - Final Copy (HLPOA Shoreline).pdf

Maja DeForest and Jayme Cameron, Community Research Project: HLPOA Naturalized
Shoreline Stabilization Research Project Report
, Trent University

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Angelo Pilolla, Brittany Latimer, Vedant Paresh Badheka, Andrew Bunn, Blue-Green Algae Mitigation Strategies

BGA Final Report.pdf

Angelo Pilolla, Brittany Latimer, Vedant Paresh Badheka, Andrew Bunn, Blue-Green Algae Mitigation Strategies, Trent University, 2021

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Mystaya Touw, Shoreline Stewardship: Capacity Building through ENGO Programming and Local Partnerships

M.Touw.ThesisFinal (3).pdf

Mystaya Touw, Shoreline Stewardship: Capacity Building through ENGO Programming and Local Partnerships, 2021

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Brendan Martin, Jide Sayomi, Adam Alaimo, Horseshoe Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Report

Horseshoe Lake Report[FINAL DRAFT] compressed photos.pdf

Brendan Martin, Jide Sayomi, Adam Alaimo, Horseshoe Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Report, Fleming College, 2019

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Ryan Hill, Odonata monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust properties: fauna and protocols

RHill_CBR_HHLT_OdonateMonitoring_Final.docx (1).pdf

Ryan Hill, Odonata monitoring of Haliburton Highlands Land Trust properties: fauna and protocols, Trent University, 2020

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Kolten Hooper, Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring: Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Invasive Plants

Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring - Haliburton Highlands Land Trust - Invasive Plants - Final Report (1).pdf

Kolten Hooper, Long-Term Invasive Species Monitoring: Haliburton Highlands Land Trust Invasive Plants, Trent University, 2020

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Jason Smyrlis, The Birds of The Haliburton Highlands: Species Present and How to Monitor Them

#4955 Long-Term Bird Monitoring HHLT - For Review_Edits (1).pdf

Jason Smyrlis, The Birds of The Haliburton Highlands: Species Present and How to Monitor Them, Trent University, 2020

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Mitch William Simmons, Development Potential for Vacant Lots in the Township of Algonquin Highlands and Municipality of Highlands East


Mitch William Simmons, Development Potential for Vacant Lots in the Township of Algonquin Highlands and Municipality of Highlands East, Trent University, 2013

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Sarah Cumming
Lindsay Dixon, Young Adult Retention and Engagement in Minden Hills

YA Retention and Engagement Report FINAL.pdf

Sarah Cumming
Lindsay Dixon, Young Adult Retention and Engagement in Minden Hills, Trent University, 2020

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Fleming College’s Sustainable Waste Management Program, Plastic Waste & Litter Reduction: Municipality of Dysart et al

Fleming College’s Sustainable Waste Management Program, Plastic Waste & Litter Reduction: Municipality of Dysart et al, 2020

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Mathew Bowles, Impacts and remediation strategies for all-terrain vehicle use in the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park

Final paper Mathew Bowles .pdf

Mathew Bowles, Impacts and remediation strategies for all-terrain vehicle use in the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park, 2020

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Kaitlyn Adam, Erika Dmytrenko, Rachel Gillham, Shayla Steinhoff, Meghan Thorp, Abbey Gardens Educational Interpretive Trail


Kaitlyn Adam, Erika Dmytrenko, Rachel Gillham, Shayla Steinhoff, Meghan Thorp, Abbey Gardens Educational Interpretive Trail, 2020

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Alex Schweinberger, Katie Hunter, Kohl Kuntz, Kyha Craig, Riley Piening, Feasibility of a Garden Tourism Project at Abbey Gardens

Feasibility of a Garden Tourism Project at Abbey Gardens-min.pdf

Alex Schweinberger, Katie Hunter, Kohl Kuntz, Kyha Craig, Riley Piening, Feasibility of a Garden Tourism Project at Abbey Gardens, 2020

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Kerrie Shende
Joshua Wyard, Benthic Analysis on Kashagawigamog Lake

Lake Kashagawigamog Benthic Report Final Draft.pdf

Kerrie Shende
Joshua Wyard, Benthic Analysis on Kashagawigamog Lake, Trent University, 2020

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Samantha Dunlop, Kawagama lake Calcium Decline Mitigation Cost Benefit Analysis

KL Ca decline mitigate compressed report - SamanthaDunlop 2020.pdf

Samantha Dunlop, Kawagama lake Calcium Decline Mitigation Cost Benefit Analysis, Trent University, 2020

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Brendan Martin, Kennisis Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019

Kennis Lake 2019 Report (1).pdf

Brendan Martin, Kennisis Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019, U-Links, 2020

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Chantal Lefevre
Parker Garrod, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment

Kawagama Lake Final Report  (1).pdf

Chantal Lefevre
Parker Garrod, Kawagama Lake Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assessment, Trent University, 2020

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Matthew Smith
Sevda Lag
Ian Warburton
Devin Claypole
Carlie O'Brien, HHLT Salamander Monitoring Project: Literature Review and Recommendations

HHLT Salamander Literature Review Final (2).pdf

Matthew Smith
Sevda Lag
Ian Warburton
Devin Claypole
Carlie O'Brien, HHLT Salamander Monitoring Project: Literature Review and Recommendations, Trent University, 2020

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Brendan Martin
Joseph Gentile
Hannah Williams
Stephanie Barrie
Julia Herault, Haliburton Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019

Haliburton Lake 2019 Report.pdf

Brendan Martin
Joseph Gentile
Hannah Williams
Stephanie Barrie
Julia Herault, Haliburton Lake Community Benthos Biomonitoring Project 2019, U-Links, 2020

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Tessa Radimer
Natasha Prytulka, Aquatic Health Assessment of Gull Lake

Aquatic Health Assessment of Gull Lake - Brendan Final Edits.pdf

Tessa Radimer
Natasha Prytulka, Aquatic Health Assessment of Gull Lake, Trent University, 2020

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