Brad Jennings, Spencer Larocque, Josh Anderson, Nick Champman, Nicholas Schwass, Valuing Fishing in the Southern Canadian Shield: Associated Monetary Values of Ecological Services in Ecoregion 5E and Muskoka, 2012
Marcus Rice, Ajay Venkat, Lucas Young, Jack Moreau, Mac Marzolini, Beth Bekele, Biological Productivity and Sustainability of Apex Predator Fish Species in Horseshoe Lake: Final Report, 2018
Mitch William Simmons, Development Potential for Vacant Lots in the Township of Algonquin Highlands and Municipality of Highlands East, Trent University, 2013
Brandon Johnson, Jasmin Wakeling, Emily Hall, Claire Vandervoort, Alex Atkins 2023, Fred and Pearl Barry Wetland Reserve Monitoring Protocol, Trent University